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Seeq to Seeq


Item Type Support



The Seeq to Seeq Connector allows one Seeq instance to obtain assets, scalars, signals and conditions from another Seeq instance.


This connector requires a Third-Party Information Sharing feature license to connect successfully.

Third-Party Information Sharing

The username/password or access key/password of a Seeq user from the remote Seeq instance are needed to configure the connector. All the assets, scalars, signals and conditions visible to that user in the remote Seeq instance will be indexed into the local Seeq instance.

It is worth reviewing this guide to plan for how to authorize external users.


This is an example configuration template that is displayed in the Additional Configuration box that appears when you click Configure for an existing datasource (or if a new datasource is being created, in the Create new datasource connection modal that appears after clicking Add Datasource) on the Datasources administration page.

"RemoteSeeqUrl" : "",
"RemoteSeeqUsernameOrAccessKey" : "[email protected]",
"RemoteSeeqPassword" : "user123password!",
"RootAssetName" : "My Example",
"RootAssetDataId" : "c0513e0b-53aa-407a-8348-40a40e6fb1e5",
"IndexOnlyGloballyScopedItems" : false,
"IndexAdditionalItemProperties" : [ "Value Type" ],
"IndexAdditionalItemPropertiesPrefix" : "[Remote] ",
"IndexProblematicItemLimit" : 1000,
"FallbackConditionMaximumDuration" : "1 day",
"ConnectTimeoutSeconds" : 60,
"ReadTimeoutSeconds" : 60,
"ItemPageSize" : 1000,
"SamplePageSize" : 10000,
"CapsulePageSize" : 1000
Seeq to Seeq Additional Configuration

Property Name

Default Value

Data Type



A help text that must be replaced


The URL of the remote Seeq instance.


A help text that must be replaced


The username or access key of a user from the remote Seeq instance. All assets, scalars, signals and conditions visible to this user in the remote Seeq instance will be indexed into the local Seeq instance.


A help text that must be replaced


The password of the user from the remote Seeq instance.


A help text that must be replaced


The name of the root asset that should be created in the local Seeq instance to contain the root assets from the remote Seeq instance (if there are any).

Note that only items from the remote Seeq instance that are part of an asset tree will be indexed under this local root asset. Remote items that don’t belong to any asset tree will still be indexed normally, but won’t belong to the local asset tree.


A generated unique data ID


A unique ID for the root asset.




Whether only items with global scope from the remote Seeq instance should be indexed. If false, items with non-global scope (like those created using formulas in a workbook) will also be indexed.



List of Strings

A list of additional properties of remote items that should be indexed. By default, only required properties (like Description and Interpolation Method) are indexed, but additional properties can be indexed by setting this option to a list containing the property names (like ["AF Path", "Value Type"].


"[Remote] "


A non-empty text that will be added to the beginning of names of properties configured in IndexAdditionalItemProperties to differentiate them from local properties. For example, the value "[Remote] " will result in additional property names like [Remote] AF Path and [Remote] Value Type.




How many items are allowed to be skipped during indexing due to problems when retrieving them. If the number of skipped items exceeds this number the index will fail.


"1 day"


The Maximum Duration that should be used as a fallback for remote conditions that don’t have them (like those generated from formulas).




The connection time out in seconds.




The data read time out in seconds.




How many items to request at a time during indexing.




How many samples to request at a time when getting samples.




How many capsules to request at a time when getting capsules.


If you are running into issues with connecting to or accessing data from a remote Seeq instance, view our guide for troubleshooting datasource issues. Some particular errors are also detailed below.

SQ-1600: The remote Seeq server returned an error when getting data

This error might happen when trending signals and conditions. It most likely indicates the remote Seeq instance ran into an error when obtaining the requested data from the remote datasource.

This is not a problem with the local Seeq instance or with the Seeq to Seeq connection, but with the remote Seeq instance or remote datasource. Some options are:

  • Retrying the request, which might succeed if it was caused by a temporary problem

  • Reporting the problem to the owners of the remote Seeq instance, so they can investigate the possible issue with their datasource

SQ-1601: Skipping an item because the remote Seeq server returned an error when querying

This is a warning that might happen during connection indexing. It indicates the remote Seeq server failed to return an item, which will consequently be skipped and not indexed into the local Seeq instance.

This is not a problem with the local Seeq instance or with the Seeq to Seeq connection, but with a specific item in the remote Seeq instance (like a signal without “Maximum Interpolation”).

These warnings can be safely ignored if no important items are missing after indexing and if the number of skipped items doesn’t exceed IndexProblematicItemLimit.

SQ-1602: Indexing failed due to the remote Seeq server returning errors for too many items

This error is related to the previous warning and happens if too many problematic items are skipped, exceeding the limit defined by the configuration option IndexProblematicItemLimit.

Some options are:

  • Increasing the limit set in IndexProblematicItemLimit if it is considered too low. However, note that this is not a good solution if the number of problematic items suddenly increased, which might indicate a real problem with the remote Seeq instance that should be investigated. If an item previously indexed successfully but is now skipped it will be archived after a successful index.

  • Reporting the problem to the owners of the remote Seeq instance, so the problematic items can be investigated.

SQ-1603: A capsule property won't be indexed due to decoding errors

This warning might happen during connection indexing. It indicates the given condition from the remote Seeq instance has a Metadata Properties property with an unexpected value that can’t be parsed by the local Seeq instance, so some or all of the capsule properties from that condition won’t be available in the local Seeq instance.

This warning can be safely ignored if no important capsule properties are missing when trending capsules. Otherwise, contact Seeq support for help investigating the issue.

SQ-1604: A scalar value will be indexed as SCALAR.INVALID due to a remote Seeq error

This warning might happen during connection indexing. It indicates the remote Seeq instance returned an error when the value of a scalar was requested, so the scalar will have value SCALAR.INVALID in the local Seeq instance.

This is not a problem with the local Seeq instance or with the Seeq to Seeq connection, but with a specific scalar in the remote Seeq instance. If the particular scalar is not important, the warning can be safely ignored. Otherwise, the problem should be reported to the owners of the remote Seeq instance for investigation.

SQ-1605: Unable to connect to the remote Seeq server due to failure to login

This error might happen when connecting to the remote Seeq instance. The message should contain the error returned by the remote Seeq instance, which might provide details about the underlying problem.

Some things to check are:

  • That the RemoteSeeqUrl is correct and accessible from the local Seeq instance

  • That the RemoteSeeqUsernameOrAccessKey and RemoteSeeqPassword are correct and correspond to an enabled user in the remote Seeq instance

SQ-1606: Error when pinging the remote Seeq server

This error indicates the remote Seeq instance appears to have become offline or inaccessible to the local Seeq instance, causing the connection to become disconnected. This might happen normally during upgrades or maintenance, but if it is unexpected should be reported to the owners of the remote Seeq instance.

SQ-1607: The connection has configuration errors

This error indicates the Seeq to Seeq connection configuration has validation errors, which should be detailed in the subsequent lines of the message. Check the errors and the “Seeq to Seeq Additional Configuration” section in this article for help fixing the configuration problems.

SQ-1608: The "RootAssetName" in the connection configuration is not unique

This is a Seeq to Seeq connection configuration error that will happen if multiple Seeq to Seeq connection configurations have identical RootAssetName configuration fields. The value of this field must be unique among all connection configurations, so change it as appropriate.

SQ-1609: The "RootAssetDataId" in the connection configuration is not unique

This is a Seeq to Seeq connection configuration error that will happen if multiple Seeq to Seeq connection configurations have identical RootAssetDataId configuration fields. The value of this field must be unique among all connection configurations, so change it as appropriate.

Known Issues

The Seeq to Seeq Connector currently has the following limitations:

  • The start of uncertainty for signals and conditions from the remote Seeq instance are approximated and might be incorrect in some hopefully uncommon cases

  • Partially uncertain capsules from the remote Seeq instance will be either fully certain or fully uncertain in the local Seeq instance

  • Uncertain scalars from the remote Seeq instance will be certain in the local Seeq instance.

These limitations will be addressed in future versions of Seeq.

Please report any issues you find to our support portal.

Performance considerations

The ItemPageSize, SamplePageSize and CapsulePageSize configuration options might be adjusted when attempting to improve the performance of indexing, getting samples and getting capsules, respectively.

Excessive occurrences of warning SQ-1601 (see the “Troubleshooting” section above) might indicate that indexing is taking considerably longer due to query retries caused by problematic remote items. Reporting the problem to the owners of the remote Seeq instance might allow fixes to be made so that indexing is faster.

View our guide on optimizing datasource performance for general guidance.

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