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Enabling Seeq Directory Self-Service Password Reset


For operational reasons, especially when there is a large number of user accounts, it may become necessary to grant users the ability to reset their Seeq Directory account password themselves. By default, this feature is disabled. To accommodate this need, an administrator can override the configuration option Authentication/SeeqDirectory/SelfServicePasswordReset and set it to true.

When the Self-Service Password reset is enabled, in addition to allowing users reset their account passwords, it also enables the option to force an existing Seeq Directory user to change their account password on next log in and force a password change for newly created users for administrators.

Setting the option

Setting the Authentication/SeeqDirectory/SelfServicePasswordReset configuration option can be done using the Seeq CLI or via the Administration interface under the “Configuration” tab.

After setting this option, the server does not need to be restarted as the changes take immediate effect.


The specific effects of enabling self-service password reset for Seeq authentication directory are as follows:

  • The webserver login page will have a “Forgot password” prompt at the bottom when the Seeq authentication directory is selected.

  • If you have Seeq authentication and SSO users, this feature would only be functional for Seeq authentication users. If SSO users want to reset their account password, then they would need to carry out on the SSO providers' page.

  • The table on the Users tab on the administration page will have a new column “PW Reset Req” which indicates whether a user account has been required to change its password or not.

  • Creating a user account from the administration page, will offer a new “Require password change on next login” checkbox, unchecked by default.

  • Updating a user account on the administration page, will offer a new “Require password change on next login” checkbox, unchecked by default.

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