How to Request Installation or Update
As a user, you can use the Add-on Manager to request installation of Add-ons that are not currently installed, request access to Add-ons that are installed but you haven’t been given permission to use, or request an update to an installed Add-on. Add-ons that are not currently installed with have a blue “Request”, while updates will have an orange request button. In addition the orange button updates will be identifiable by the “Installed” check next the the button.
Request Installation or Update
Open the Add-on Manager
Click the "Request" button
The email client will open with pre-populated information about which Add-on is being requested*
Send the email
The request will be sent to the admin for review and approval.
*If your email client does not pop open with the pre-populated template then it may have been blocked by your pop-up blocker. Please check your browser settings.