Enabling Password Aging Enforcement for Seeq Directory
Password aging enforcement is a critical security measure designed to ensure that users regularly update their passwords to maintain account security. By enabling password aging enforcement, administrators can define the maximum duration for which a password can be used before it must be changed. Additionally, they can configure warning periods and grace periods to inform users about impending password expiration and provide them with a time window to update their password before a password change is required in order to access their account.
Enable and Configure Password Aging Policy
To enable this feature:
Navigate to Administration > Configuration
Set Authentication/SeeqDirectory/EnforcePasswordAge to
Configure any optional parameters (see table below).
Save your changes
Configuration | Default |
Authentication/SeeqDirectory/EnforcePasswordAge |
Authentication/SeeqDirectory/MaxPasswordAge The maximum duration (in days) that a user's password can be used before the system requires a password change. | 90 |
Authentication/SeeqDirectory/PasswordExpirationWarningPeriod The number of days before a user's password expires when the system starts alerting the user that their password is approaching its expiration date. | 7 |
Authentication/SeeqDirectory/PasswordExpirationGracePeriod The number of days a user can continue to log in with an expired password before the system forces a mandatory update. | 0 |