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Configuring Password Complexity for Seeq Directory


In Seeq, ensuring that users have secure passwords is critical for maintaining the integrity of the system. Seeq Directory provides administrators with options to enforce password complexity rules to enhance security. These rules can be customized to require specific password characteristics, such as digits, lowercase letters, special characters, and uppercase letters.

Setting the option

Administrators can enforce password complexity rules in Seeq by configuring specific options.

The following options are available:




When enabled, this option requires users to include at least one numeric digit (0-9) in their passwords.


When enabled, this option requires users to include at least one lowercase letter (a-z) in their passwords.


When enabled, this option requires users to include at least one special character (i.e. !@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:,.<>?/) in their passwords.


When enabled, this option requires users to include at least one uppercase letter (A-Z) in their passwords.

To set these options, the administrator should access the Administration > Configuration interface and specify "true" or "false" for each option, depending on the desired password complexity rules. By default, these options are set to “false”, and it is up to the administrator to activate them according to their security requirements.


The specific effects of enabling password complexity requirements for the Seeq Directory authentication are as follows:

  • User Password Reset: Users will not be able to set a password that does not meet the enforced complexity requirements. If a user attempts to create or update a password that lacks the necessary criteria (such as digits, special characters, etc.), the system will reject the password until it meets all the specified conditions.

  • Administrator Password Changes: Administrators will also be unable to change the password of another user to one that doesn't meet the enforced complexity requirements. Any attempt to set a simpler password will be blocked, ensuring that all users adhere to the security policies in place.

  • Login: If the Self-Service Password Reset feature is enabled, users will be required to change their passwords during login if their current password does not meet the new complexity requirements. This ensures that all active passwords across the system are brought up to the desired security standards, even for existing users.

These effects ensure that password complexity rules are consistently enforced across all user and administrator actions, maintaining a higher level of security throughout the system.

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