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Best Practices for Organizer Performance

This article is intended for Seeq end users and should be referenced to optimize performance. If poor performance is experienced and the following best practices are followed, ask your Seeq administrators to look at Performance Recommendations for Administrators or submit a support ticket.

Live Doc Usage


  • Use live docs only to watch the Organizer Topic on screen live (startup/transient operations). For Topics that will be reviewed at regular intervals (daily meetings, etc.) use an auto-updating schedule instead.

  • Minimize the pieces of content inserted. In general, no more than 10 items are recommended for live content.

  • Minimize the time range for the live pieces. In general, a time range of 6 hours or less is recommended.

  • Minimize the frequency of the refresh rate. The document should only be updated as frequently as the document is used. For example, avoid a 5 minute update for a report seen every hour.

Reason: The number of items and the frequency at which they are updated impact how frequently Seeq is required to pull and process data. By minimizing the number of items, time ranges and update frequencies, better performance is achieved.

Topic Size

Recommendation: Break larger documents into several smaller documents within an overall Topic.

Topics should not exceed 30 pages. Determine Topic's size by exporting to PDF and viewing number of pages. 

Reason: Very large Documents will require excessive scrolling and take longer to load.

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