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Updating the Add-on Manager

If an “Update” button is displayed for the Add-on Manager, then it needs to be updated.


Add-on Manager update available

It’s important to keep the Add-on Manager up to date to maintain compatibility and take advantage of new features.

Starting from the Seeq Home screen, the following are the steps required to update the Add-on Manager.

  1. With administrator credentials, click the “Add-ons” button from the Seeq Home screen.


  2. Click on the “Add-on Manager” to open the Add-on Manager.


  1. Find the “Add-on Manager” in the list and click the “Update” button. If you don’t see an “Update” button, then your Add-on Manager is up to date.


  2. An “Update Add-on Manager” modal will appear. Leave the “Settings” option at the default, which is “Merged Settings”.


  3. Scroll to the bottom and click the “Update” button.


  4. The Add-on Manager will display that it is “Updating…” and should complete within about a minute.


  5. You’ll see the following when the update is complete. Just refresh the browser page.


 That’s it. Your Add-on Manager is now up to date.

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