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Troubleshooting an inconsistent cache detection in Seeq

On occasion, Seeq may display an error message indicating that an inconsistent cache was detected.

The sections below gives a brief overview of what could cause this error along with potential fixes


Example Scenarios


The time series data in the historian has changed due to administrator action

  • SQL queries in the SQL Connector V2 have been altered

  • The timezone field of the SQL Connector V2 configuration file was changed

  • Data was manually altered in any datasource to correct discrepancies

Clear the cache for the affected items

The time series data is reported to Seeq non-chronologically, includes temporary data near now, or is missing data in the near past

  • The datasource (such as Wonderware, OPC-HDA, etc.) reports samples at different times than are actually saved and reported later

Configure the Uncertainty Override to be longer and clear the cache for the affected items.

A PI Collective member is missing data

  • One or more members of a PI Collective has not yet been updated with the data that other members have

Investigate per troubleshooting steps and clear the cache for the affected items after resolution

The connection to the historian was interrupted

  • Network outage

  • Temporary errors in the response from the datasource

Clear the cache for the affected items

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.