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Add-on Packaging Utility

The easiest way to become familiar with the structure of an Add-on package is with an example. A useful example can be very different depending on the Add-on elements required to fulfill a particular need. This is where the Add-on Packaging Utility can be helpful. The Add-on Packaging Utility is a CLI utility that generates Add-on package examples based on a predetermined project template and the user’s answers to a series of prompts. Once the example is generated, you can use the included utilities to readily bootstrap, build, and deploy your example packaged Add-on to the Add-on Manager. When you are ready to start developing, you can change the code of the generated example and even “hot-reload” your changes with the watch command.

To get started with the Add-on Packaging Utility, and follow the instructions in the repository README to install and use this CLI utility.

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