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Enabling Beta Features

Admin users can enable particular Seeq features for all users on a server by making changes in the central configuration page.

Current Beta Features



Configuration Name

External Tools

Ability to add external tools in Tools panel. It adds an additional group to the existing Tools panel.


Extensible Workbench

Ability to add an option to the top-left hand dropdown (where Trend, Scatterplot, Treemap and Scorecard are now) that gives the plugin control over the main part of the application to the right of the Data/Tools/Journal area and below the header.


Scheduled Notebooks

Ability to schedule execution of Data Lab notebooks


Changing Feature Configurations

  1. Select “Yes” in the Advances filter

  2. Search for the “Configuration Name”

  3. Select Edit

  1. Enable Override Value

  2. Flip the switch from False to True

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