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Add-on Terminology

Are you interested in functionality that is not already available out of the box in Seeq? Consider creating your own tool via Seeq Add-ons! Add-ons serve as extensions to Seeq, enhancing core functionality and enabling the implementation of custom solutions. There are different types of Add-ons though, and some features in Seeq use the term Add-on as well. Thus, it is important to distinguish between different types of Seeq Add-ons to determine the most appropriate one for your needs.

The following is a list of terms that include the word Add-on, along with their definitions:

  • Add-on Calculation Engine: Allows users to run Python scripts on Seeq Signals. The results of the calculation are directly accessible as Signals within Seeq Formula. These calculations can either be performed by key or by sliding window. Add-on Calculation Engine

  • Add-on Calculation Webhook: Extends the calculation capabilities of Seeq with the compute capabilities of other external systems. A webhook makes an HTTPS request to a configured API endpoint, sending a payload from Workbench to an external server and getting the response back to Workbench. The results are accessible to Seeq users in the Formula editor. Add-on Calculation Webhook

  • Add-on Element: Any of the four extension mechanisms supported by the Add-on Manager. The four extension mechanisms are Add-on Tools, Frontend Plugins, Data Lab Functions, and Formula packages. Elements

  • Add-on Gallery: A gallery with a combination of both first- and third-party Add-ons that can be used in conjunction with Seeq Workbench, Seeq Organizer, and Seeq Data Lab.

  • Add-on Manager: Point-and-click interface designed to help users search and request installation and updates of Add-ons. It also allows admins to install, uninstall, configure, and update Add-ons. Add-ons are synced through a JFrog repository, which enables seamless installation and synchronization. The Add-on Manager

  • Add-on Package: A zip file with a .addon extension that encapsulates one or more Add-on Elements and a configuration file (addon.json). An Add-on package is the single way to install, update, and configure Add-ons using the Add-on Manager. Add-on Package

  • Add-on Tool: Allows functionality developed in Data Lab to be made available in Seeq on the Analysis Tools Panel or the Home Screen Add-on Extension Mechanisms | Add-on-Tools. Add-on tools open from Workbench include references to the workbook and worksheet IDs.

  • Frontend Plugin Add-on (or Plugin Add-on): Allows interaction with the data in Trend View. Generally, a Plugin Add-on is a user interface (UI) developed using standard web development tools (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript). They can be added to an Analysis Display Pane, Analysis Tool Panel, or the Seeq Home Screen. Add-on Extension Mechanisms | Frontend-Plugins

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