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Error Responses

Data Lab Functions Error Responses

The following are expected internal errors which will return HTTP response status 500.


NeedsAuthorizationError is returned when the Seeq authentication token cookie or header is missing or invalid.

    "error": {
        "name": "NeedsAuthorizationError",
        "message": "Invalid authorization token"


ValueError is returned when the notebook name specified in the Data Lab Functions url is not found.

    "error": {
        "name": "ValueError",
        "message": "Notebook DataLabApiTest.ipynb not found"

ValueError is also returned when the Data Lab Functions url is missing /endpoints/ in its path.

    "error": {
        "name": "ValueError",
        "message": "Request url is missing required endpoint delimiter /endpoints/"

ValueError is also returned when the endpoint name specified in the Data Lab Functions url is not found for the given HTTP method of the request.

    "error": {
        "name": "ValueError",
        "message": "Invalid endpoint GET /missing for notebook DataLabApiTest"


ProjectError is returned when the Data Lab Functions project cannot be accessed.

    "error": {
        "name": "ProjectError",
        "message": "Project failed to load or exceeded timeout."
JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.