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Sensitivity Label


Seeq enables administrators to encode a sensitivity label in the file metadata of exported documents. The sensitivity label, when configured with data security scanning software, allows for the identification of Seeq-exported documents either being copied locally to a USB drive or emailed outside the company. This feature is available for Excel and PowerPoint exports in Workbench and PDF exports in Organizer.


By default, the sensitivity label is set to Seeq_exports. This is a global value that is used for all Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF exports. Administrators can change the sensitivity label in the Configuration tab of the Administration. To do so,

  1. Go to the Administration > Configuration.

  2. Select Yes in the Advanced dropdown menu filter.

  3. Search for SensitivityLabel in the Name filter.

  4. Click on Edit next to Features/Export/SensitivityLabel

  5. In the dialog window, check the Override the default value box. Type the new value in the box that appears and any notes in the Note field if necessary. Click on Save to close the dialog window.

  6. Make sure to click on the orange Save button next to Changes will not take effect until Save is clicked (top-right corner).


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