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Restricted Access to Sensitive Content in Seeq Data Lab


Sometimes you need to write a Data Lab script or Add-on that integrates with other applications, requiring credentials to access these external applications. Additionally, you may want other users to execute your script or Add-on without exposing your credentials.

This page describes common practices in Seeq Data Lab for sharing scripts or Add-ons while keeping sensitive information, such as credentials, hidden from other users.

Access level for Data Lab projects

Access levels



Open and view Data Lab projects



Create new files



Open any project file including notebooks



Save or overwrite any project file



Terminal access



Execute notebook cells



Execute notebook in Add-on Mode

Only if the notebook has been deployed as an Add-on Tool


Execute Data Lab Function endpoints



Hidden Files in Data Lab

Files created in a Data Lab project are stored in the home directory of the project’s file system. A user with write access to the project can hide files by prepending the file or directory name with a dot (e.g. .my_hidden_file.txt). When a file or directory is prepended with a dot, they are not visible in the file browser of the Data Lab project. A user with write access can view and edit hidden files by going to a terminal in the same Data Lab project (e.g. running the command ls -a shows all files including hidden files in the directory). However, a read-only user cannot access the terminal; thus, the read-only user cannot list hidden files or access their content.

As a read-only user, you cannot view hidden files but you can still execute Data Lab Function endpoints and notebooks in Add-on Mode deployed as Add-on Tools

Secret Managers and Key Vaults

In a situation where your Data Lab code needs to access external applications, it is a good architectural practice to use a proper secrets manager (e.g. AWS Secrets Manager or Azure Key Vault). The authentication information required to access a particular secret from your secrets manager can be stored in a Data Lab hidden file. Instead of storing the credentials of the external application in Data Lab, there is a runtime call to the secret manager service to retrieve the credentials dynamically.

The benefit of this practice is that secret managers help with the management of application credentials, tokens, or API keys throughout their lifecycles. This allows features like automatic rotation for your secrets, and proper management of identity roles that can access such secrets. Furthermore, if your code requires access to more than one external application you would only need to store the access to the secrets manager of your choice instead of all the secrets for the applications you need to access.


To illustrate the process of integrating with other external applications, let’s walk through an example of a Data Lab notebook that gets the data of the signals shown in the display panel of Seeq Workbench and stores those samples as a .csv file in an AWS S3 bucket.



  • In a new Data Lab project:

    • Open a new Terminal (File > New > Terminal) and run pip install fsspec s3fs boto3 .

    • Locally on your computer create a text file named .secrets_auth.ini with the authentication information of the AWS role that has access to the secrets manager and upload the .secrets_auth.ini file to the Data Lab project. (Note: You may have to re-add the leading . after uploading the file to the project if you’re using MacOS. To rename once it’s been uploaded to the project, run mv secrets_auth.ini .secrets_auth.ini in the terminal.)

      [AWS auth]
    • Upload the S3DataUpload.ipynb notebook to the Data Lab project. For this example, the name of the notebook should be S3DataUpload. If the name is modified, you will have to adjust the name in the URLs of the API calls below.

    • As an initial test, you can try accessing the endpoints from an external application such as Postman

      • Send a request to authenticate to the Seeq server

        curl --location 'https://{{seeq_hostname}}/api/auth/login' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/vnd.seeq.v1+json' \
        --header 'Accept: application/vnd.seeq.v1+json' \
        --data '{
            "username": {{seeq_access_key}},
            "password": {{password}},
            "authProviderClass": "Auth",
            "authProviderId": "Seeq"
      • If you get a 200 OK response, copy the x-sq-auth from the response headers. Otherwise, verify username, password and seeq_hostname

      • Send a request to the GET /hello test endpoint, make sure to either create an environment variable in Postman for seeq_hostname, datalab_project_id, and x-sq-auth or substitute the values directly in the code below

        curl --location 'https://{{seeq_hostname}}/data-lab/{{datalab_project_id}}/functions/notebooks/S3DataUpload/endpoints/hello' \
        --header 'x-sq-auth: {{x-sq-auth}}' \
        --data ''
      • A successful 200 OK response will show the response body "hello from Data Lab"

  • Open Seeq workbench, and display the signal data you want to save to S3. Take note of the workbook ID and worksheet ID. This example will upload the data that is shown in the display pane for the time window shown.

  • To access the data displayed in Workbench from Postman send an API request to the GET worksheet/items endpoint. Make sure to change all the values enclosed by {{}}

    curl --location 'https://{{seeq_hostname}}/data-lab/{{datalab_project_id}}/functions/notebooks/S3DataUpload/endpoints/worksheet/items?workbook_id={{workbook_id}}&worksheet_id={{worksheet_id}}' \
    --header 'x-sq-auth: {{x-sq-auth}}' \
    --data ''
  • To upload the data displayed in Workbench to the S3 bucket, use the GET /upload endpoint. Make sure to change all the values enclosed by {{}}

    curl --location 'https://{{seeq_hostname}}/data-lab/{{datalab_project_id}}/functions/notebooks/S3DataUpload/endpoints/upload?workbook_id={{workbook_id}}&worksheet_id={{worksheet_id}}&file_name={{file_name}}' \
    --header 'x-sq-auth: {{x-sq-auth}}' \
    --data ''
  • To download data from the S3 bucket, use the GET /download endpoint. Make sure to change all the values enclosed by {{}}

    curl --location 'https://{{seeq_hostname}}/data-lab/{{datalab_project_id}}/functions/notebooks/S3DataUpload/endpoints/download?workbook_id={{workbook_id}}&worksheet_id={{worksheet_id}}&file_name={{file_name}}' \
    --header 'x-sq-auth: {{x-sq-auth}}' \
    --data ''

Once you are ready to share this project, you can provide read-only access to other users. Read-only users will be able to make requests to the same endpoints but will not be able to execute cells in the S3DataUpload.ipynb notebook.

How it works

The .secrets_auth.ini file contains the access and secret keys to authenticate to AWS Secrets Manager. These keys are generated within AWS and belong to an identity that has access to the Secrets Manager. At any time, the access can be revoked from the AWS environment, and in that case, our example would stop working. Additionally, the credentials to the S3 bucket can be changed either manually or automatically in the AWS environment and our example application would continue to have access to the S3 bucket so long as the identity to which we have the access keys still has access to the S3 credentials in the AWS Secrets Manager.

In the S3DataUpload.ipynb notebook, we make use of the SPy module to access the data shown in Workbench for the particular workbook and worksheet IDs passed in the request. Before uploading to an S3 bucket, we read the access and secret keys of the identity that can access the AWS secret manager. Notice that these keys are stored in a hidden file that cannot be accessed by a read-only user. These keys are used in the function get_secret() which is run dynamically when the endpoint is called from another application or tool. We shared the project with read permissions only. Read-only users can make requests to the Data Lab Functions endpoints we have created but are not able to execute cells directly in the Data Lab project. Thus, we control what the output of the endpoint is and the read-only user cannot see the S3 bucket credentials that are retrieved during execution. For getting started with Data Lab Functions development, see Data Lab Functions

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