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Hiding Authentication Providers


Some auth providers are intended for a subset of users, such as Seeq support team members and administrators (Seeq SaaS Admin) or external users (see, e.g., Planning Seeq Access for External Users). To facilitate this, an advanced configuration Authentication/HiddenProviderIds can be set to hide authentication providers. This configuration is set to Seeq Saas Admin by default.


To use this feature:

  1. Update the Authentication/HiddenProviderIds configuration in the Configuration tab of the Administration panel. Specify all providers (using datasourceId attribute) that should be hidden in a comma-delimited format. Example: Seeq, Seeq Saas Admin, {other auth provider datasourceId}

  2. For OAuth connections, update the RedirectURI configuration parameter to include a directoryId parameter. The RedirectURI should follow the format https://<your seeq url>/login?directoryId=<your directory id>, where <your seeq url> should be replaced with your actual Seeq URL and <your directory id> with your actual directory ID.


Login Page

On the login page, providers that are specified in Authentication/HiddenProviderIds will not be available in the [Directory] dropdown.

This behavior can be bypassed by adding the directoryId query string to the login page URL.


  • - Default behavior. Any providers specified in Authentication/HiddenProviderIds will not show up in the [Directory] dropdown.

  • - Ensures that Seeq directory is available, even if it is specified as a hidden provider.

Auth API

GET /auth/providers will only return providers that are not specified in the Authentication/HiddenProviderIds setting.

This behavior can be bypassed by specifying a query parameter includeAuthProviderIds using a comma-delimited format.


  • GET - Returns auth providers not specified in Authentication/HiddenProviderIds.

  • GET,Seeq Saas Admin - Return auth providers not specified in Authentication/HiddenProviderIds, but also include Seeq and Seeq Saas Admin even if they are hidden.

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