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AI Assistant: Prompt Library, Tips, & Troubleshooting

Accelerate your work using Seeq’s AI Assistants, including prompt guidance, pro tips/best practices, and troubleshooting.

Prompting Guidance

We do our best to make Seeq’s AI as robust as possible to different ways of phrasing your question. That said, there are some best practices.

  • Be concise, clear, and direct.

  • Iterate. Following up or rephrasing, as you would in a real conversation, can help refine both your & the AI’s understanding of the analytics and approach.

  • Check AI’s work. Click Edit to check the underlying Formula; look up unfamiliar formulas in the Formula documentation or ask the Formula Agent.

  • Include units to help the assistant understand the desired math.

  • Specify item name(s) for new items, or for existing items if you have many similarly-named signals.

  • Break complex analytics into steps especially if you need access to the ‘intermediate’ items produced.

  • New topic? Not progressing? Start new chat.

Then, check out the icons below the AI’s answer: see the resources the Agent used to generate its answer with the (info) button, give feedback with the thumbs up/down buttons, or retry with the redo button.


Chat Agents

These Agents reply in the chat window and are meant to be conversational, each subject matters per their domain.



Sample Tasks & Prompts

Sources of Knowledge


Outline analytics approach.

How can I calculate monthly dollars lost because of wind turbine curtailments?

Learn more about Seeq or data analytics.

How do I view my events together, ignoring time between capsules?

What types of data cleansing can I do?

Does Seeq have X Connector?

✅ Seeq Knowledge Base

✅ Q&A and Tips and Tricks:

✅ Seeq Official Youtube Videos:

✅ Seeq Formula Documentation

✅ Seeq Python Module (SPy) Documentation


Learn about functions.

What parameters does the removeOutliers() function take and what are they for?

Solve analytics challenges.

Create a condition that finds the first shut down event in each week.

✅ Seeq Formula Documentation

✅ Q&A and Tips and Tricks:

Data Lab

Learn about Seeq’s Python Library, SPy.

How do I pull all the data on my worksheet into a python notebook?

Build add ons (applications) and python analytics.

Create an add on using ipyvuetify to ___

✅ Seeq Python Module (SPy) Documentation

Action Agent

The Action Agent is able to take action in Workbench and Organizer, each with “skills” - specific things that it has been taught to do. Each skill has different caveats and best practices.

Actions Agent Workbench and Organizer actions do NOT see your actual timeseries data. Instead, they use the metadata of your items (Names, Descriptions, Units, etc) to allow them to reference items and understand what is in your display/page.

Depending on your server version, the actions that can be taken may differ from what is shown here. Always ask the Action Agent "What can you do for me?“ for an up-to-date comprehensive list of actions it can take for you.

Workbench Actions

Below shows the list of available actions the Action Agent can take on your behalf in Workbench.

Every time this agent takes an action, it enters the action in your Journal, with Before and After Journal links.

Workbench Action



Load Items to Worksheet

Insert and load data items like Signals, Conditions, and Scalars that aren't already present in your Worksheet. Accepts regex. You can specify an asset, datasource, etc. to narrow down your search.

In later versions, you can also search for items specifying their properties, including capsule properties.

Property Search Notes:

  • When capsule properties are specified, the Agent will default to performing a local (to your Workbench) search. If you are wanting to search globally, simply include those details in your prompt.

Best Practices:

  • Use "quotes" to denote names

  • Use placeholders like "(any characters)” to reflect characteristics of your search to find commonly named items.

  • Be clear on the information you provide; e.g., the Asset named "…“, signals with descriptions containing "…"

  • "Add the signal named “Temperature(any characters)-U4” from the “Example” datasource to my worksheet.”

  • "Load signals to my screen that have ‘Unit 1’ as their ‘Process Area’ property and ‘PR123’ in their name.“

  • "Add conditions with ‘daily’ in their name that have a capsule property called ‘Average Temperature’.“

Remove Items from Worksheet

Remove items from your worksheet.

Best Practices:

  • Include the names of items that should be removed, or use "all“.

  • "Remove the smoothed signals from my worksheet.”

  • "Remove the items from Asset A.”

Create New Calculations

Create new items for analytics tasks, such as smoothing, condition creation, or any other calculations.

Best Practices:

  • Be clear on the output type; e.g., Create a condition for …

  • The AI does NOT see your actual DATA, so include any information for conditionals. E.g., instead of create a condition for when compressor stage is 2, try create a condition for when compressor stage equals "STAGE 2“

  • "Calculate the moving average of the pressure signal.”

  • "Create a condition to detect when each signal is above 90. Add a property of the signal average for each, with the property name of "Average during High“.“

Update Existing Calculations

Modify existing calculated items, including updating their calculation methodologies.

Best Practices:

  • Be clear on the intention to modify or update: Update the calculation "Calculation Name" to instead …

  • Same best practices apply as with creating NEW calculations.

  • "Update the smoothing window for the smoothed signal to 1h.”

  • "Modify my daily averages to be weekly averages.”

Rename Existing Items

Update the names of existing items in your Worksheet.


  • Stored signals cannot be renamed. New jump tags will be created in this case.

Best Practices:

  • Use quotes to indicate the new name(s).

  • "Rename the 'Old Signal' to 'New Signal'.”

  • "Rename all my items to be prefixed by their Asset name.”

Change Display Properties

Modify display properties such as lane assignment, color, line style, and more.

Include the property name that should be changed.

Available Properties to Modify:

  • Lanes

  • Color

  • Line Style

  • Line Width

  • Sample Display

  • Axis Align

  • Auto Axis On/Off

  • Axis Scale

  • Axis Group

  • Select or Unselect

  • Number or String Formatting

  • "Change the color of the temperature signal to blue.”

  • "Make sure all my signals show no decimals.”

  • "Organize my display to group all items of the same Asset in the their own Lanes.”

Toggle Worksheet Features

Toggle features like certainty, dimming, and grid lines in your worksheet.

  • "Turn on grid lines in my worksheet.”

  • "Make my items show as certain.”

Change Worksheet View

Change the view of your worksheet to the below list.

  • Trend

  • Table

  • XY Plot

  • Treemap


  • The Action Agent cannot yet further modify views outside of Trend view. This action will ONLY change to the view.

  • "Switch my view to an XY Plot.”

Create Journal Entries

Add documentation or links in the Journal.

NOTE: This action is able to traverse entire calculation hierarchies. With that, if wanting to document an analysis, be sure at a minimum your highest level calculations are in the Details Pane when you call this action.

This action can insert links to:

  • Your current workstep

  • Time ranges

  • Items

  • Newly created worksteps/views (Trend Only)

Otherwise, this action can also simply document information without including any links.

Best Practices:

  • Be detailed with exactly how you’d like the AI to format information.

  • "Add a summary of my analysis to the journal, including links to each step within the analysis. At the bottom, include a table with all items that were a part of the analysis. Include their direct links in addition to the table.”

  • "Add a summary of the importance of Cooling Tower compressor monitoring to the top of my Journal.”

Send to Organizer

Send worksheets to an organizer, or create a new one for your reports. This action can send multiple worksheets or just your current worksheet.


  • This action can only insert into Organizer DOCUMENTS; not yet dashboards.

  • The previous 20 "last opened” Organizer Topics (and their sheets) are provided to the model to allow it to find any referenced Organizer/Sheet.

Best Practices:

  • Include whether you want to create a new report or add to an existing one.

  • If adding to an existing report, be descriptive with including the name of the Organizer and sheet.

  • Be specific about which sheet(s) should be sent to the Organizer.

  • "Insert this sheet into my last opened report.”

  • "Create a new report using all the sheets in this workbook.”

  • "Add this sheet along with the sheet named "X" to the Compressor Report in the Overview sheet.”

Organizer Actions

Below is the list of actions the Action Agent can take on your behalf in Organizer. Note that only Documents are supported. Dashboards will be supported in the future.




Modify HTML of Organizer Sheet

Modify the HTML of your Organizer sheet to create templates, adjust titles, move content, and enhance the layout.

Best Practices:

  • Be specific with what exactly you want modified within your sheet.

  • "Place my content in a 3x3 grid and add a background color of light grey.”

Insert Content from Workbench

Inserts content from worksheets in Workbench Analyses into your current Organizer.


  • The previous 20 "last opened” Workbench Analyses (and their sheets) are provided to the model to allow it to find any referenced worksheets.

  • "Insert all the content from my Q1 analysis workbench."

Create Trends from Organizer Items

Create new trends from existing items in your Organizer and insert them into your sheet.

This action allows you to create trends ad-hoc using any items that are already within your Organizer.

  • "Combine signals A, B, and C into a new trend and add it to my sheet."

Duplicate a Single Sheet

Duplicate a Sheet across Assets

Duplicate your current Organizer sheet, creating an exact copy.

Duplicate your sheet for multiple assets, creating a separate sheet for each.


  • Content inside your Organizer must already be referencing at least one Item that is a child of the Asset of interest.

  • "Make a copy of my current sheet."

  • "Duplicate this sheet for all my plant assets."

Create Asset Selectors

Create new asset selectors, which allow you to swap between sibling assets under the same asset path.


  • Content inside your Organizer must already be referencing at least one Item that is a child of the Asset of interest.

  • "Create an asset selector for my production line assets."

Create Date Ranges

Create a new static date range. Condition and auto-updating date ranges are not supported yet.

  • "Create a date range for the last quarter."

  • "Create a date range for the month of March 2023“

Link Date Ranges or Selectors to Content

Link existing date ranges or asset selectors to specified content.

Best Practices:

  • Use the worksheet names of content to reference them.

  • Use the items that exist within content to reference them.

  • "Attach the Q1 date range to my batch related content."

  • "Add the Area A asset selector to the content containing Relative Humidity.“

  • "Link my monthly date range to all content.“

Create Date Range or Asset Selector Labels

Insert labels for date ranges or asset selectors at the top or bottom of your current sheet.

  • "Add a label for the date range at the top of my sheet."

Update Content to Current View

Update content to reflect the current or active workstep.

  • "Update my content to show the current view."

Schedule Updates

Add or update the schedule for when your Organizer sheet updates.


  • The schedule still needs to be enabled after the Agent creates it.

  • "Set my Organizer sheet to update every Monday at 8 AM."


  • Start a new chat periodically to clear the AI's accumulation of references, metadata, etc. 

  • Undo Action

    • Click "Before" link in the AI's Journal entry at the bottom of the Journal to step back before the issue.

    • Start new chat using "+" button in AI window.

  • Check agent choice e.g. Data Lab Agent is best for Data Lab/python.

  • “Invalid” answer or does not answer an “in-scope” (related to industrial analytics) question.

    • Click the (info) button in the answer. At the left-hand side, if the Category says “n/a”, the question was interpreted as invalid (couldn’t find relevant, allowed documentation). Try rephrasing the prompt.

  • Check items in the Details pane. Actions Agent will only do calculations on items in this Worksheet.

    • For the Journal action, the Actions Agent does have the ability to see referenced variables that are not in the Details pane.

AI Cheat Sheet 14 May 2024 v5.pdf

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