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"Workstep not saved" and other network errors


The user sees errors such as "Workstep not saved" when navigating the x-axis or modifying formulas via Seeq workbench.  Inspection of network requests may also evidence other errors, such as calls to the /usage or /error-log endpoint resulting in 404 errors.


The problem is caused by the Digital Guardian extension which is an enterprise application to prevent malicious intranet and internet traffic.  It can see some Seeq traffic as malicious and modify it.

  1. Confirm that Internet Explorer does not evidence the problem, because IE does not use the "dgextension" plugin.  

  2. Confirm that "dgextension" is installed in chrome, by navigating to "chrome://exensions" and checking for a "dgextension" extension.

  3. Request that whoever is in charge of managing Digital Guardian in the company add the Seeq URLs (e.g. to the approved list.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.