Locking a Workbench Analysis
Locking an Analysis prevents further editing by anyone, including the owner(s) of the Analysis and Administrators.
By protecting an Analysis from changes, the contents of the Analysis can be validated by users and considered trustworthy.
The Locking feature requires a license - reach out to your Customer Success Manager to inquire about adding this license.
To lock an Analysis, open the Access Control modal and click on the Lock tab.
Note: you will only see the Lock tab if you have Manage permission on the Analysis.
Lock Errors
An Analysis can only be locked when it contains nothing that can be edited from outside the Analysis.
Common reasons a lock attempt is rejected
The Analysis has a signal, condition, or formula in its Details Pane or Journal that is from another Analysis
The Analysis has a journal entry that links to or otherwise references another Analysis
Fixing Lock Errors
Scope issues
To see an item’s scope, view the Item Properties of the item via the Details Pane.
❌”Scoped to another analysis”
When something is “scoped to another analysis”, that means it belongs to a different Analysis and can be modified from outside the locked Analysis. You will have to recreate it so that it belongs to your Analysis.
✅”This analysis only”
Journal issues
Even if you are not using a global item in your Details Pane, including a plaintext or hyperlink to it in a Journal will cause a lock attempt to fail.
❌Links to other Analyses (including plaintext)
❌Links to global items
What you can do in (or with) a Locked Analysis
Adjust the date/time range
Adjust access control (give users access, remove access from a user)
Share edit, view, and presentation links
View when it was locked and by whom (return to the Lock tab in the “Share” modal)
Leave comments on a Journal entry
View item properties
Import its content into an Organizer Topic