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Scorecard Metric

Scorecard Metric enables users to create tables with statistics of signals and/or conditions that are color-coded according to user-specified threshold values.

Using the Scorecard Metric Tool

In addition to instructions for the Scorecard Metric Tool, optional steps for adding thresholds and developing multi-metric tables are outlined below.

Enabling table view

Change to table view:  Using the dropdown menu in the display pane, change the view to Table.  Click "Add a metric" in the box that appears in the display window.

Read more about Table view.

Simple Scorecard Metric

Select the type of process the metric is measuring: For a simple process, the statistic will be calculated over the duration of the display range in the Seeq Workbench (Analysis Worksheets) or over a user-specified time-range when inserted into Seeq Organizer content (Topic Documents). In this case, the display range can be thought of as the "Condition"; for example, Value at Start will yield the first value in the display range.

Select the item to measure:  From the dropdown menu, select a signal or condition from the details pane on which the scorecard metric will be based. Signals and conditions have different types of statistics available.

Optionally select the statistic to measure:  From the dropdown menu, select the statistical function to be applied to the scorecard metric.  If no statistic is selected, the value displayed in the table will be the value of the measured item at the end of the display window.  The trend view will display only the measured item.

Optionally enter thresholds: See description later in this article

Simple scorecard metrics will display in the table with one value per item for a given display window. 

When the display is changed back to trend view, the statistic will display as a solid straight line.  

Condition Scorecard Metric

Select the type of process the metric is measuring: For a condition process, the statistic will be calculated over the duration of each capsule that starts in the display range in the Seeq Workbench (Analysis Worksheets) or within a user-specified time-range when inserted into Seeq Organizer content (Topic Documents). 

Select the item to measure:  From the dropdown menu, select a signal or condition from the details pane on which the scorecard metric will be based. Signals and conditions have different types of statistics available.

Select the statistic to measure:  From the dropdown menu, select the statistical function to be applied to the scorecard metric. Note that although this says "Optionally," you will not be able to hit "Execute" without selecting a statistic. 

Select the condition to define the capsules:  From the dropdown menu, select the condition from the details pane that will define the capsules over which the statistic will be calculated. 

Optionally enter thresholds: See description later in this article

Condition scorecard metrics will display in the table with one value per capsule (in columns) per metric (in rows) for a given display window. 

When the display is changed back to trend view, the statistic will be plotted over each capsule.  The visualization will depend on the type of statistic.   


Description of Visualization 

Example Visualization

Sum, Count, Totalized, Rate

Visualized as a running aggregate. Statistic will increment with each sample in a capsule.

If the condition includes overlapping capsules, any capsules contained within larger capsules will be ignored.

Maximum, Minimum

Statistic appears with a sample point at the maximum or minimum for each capsule that starts in the display range.

Average, Delta, Range, Standard Deviation, Value at End, Value at Start, Count Ends, Count Starts, Percent Duration, Total Duration

Statistic appears with a sample point at the start of each capsule that starts in the display range. 

If the duration of each capsule is predictable, the points will be step interpolated. 

Continuous Scorecard Metric

Select the type of process the metric is measuring: For a continuous process, the statistic will be calculated over periodic (time-based) capsules defined by the user that end in the display range in the Seeq Workbench (Analysis Worksheets) or within a user-specified time-range when inserted into Seeq Organizer content (Topic Documents). 

Select the item to measure:  From the dropdown menu, select a signal or condition from the details pane on which the scorecard metric will be based. Signals and conditions have different types of statistics available.

Select the statistic to measure:  From the dropdown menu, select the statistical function to be applied to the scorecard metric.  Note that although this says "Optionally," you will not be able to hit "Execute" without selecting a statistic. 

Define the periodic capsules: Enter the criteria used to define the periodic (time-based) capsules over which the statistic will be calculated.

Rolling window of: This defines the length of the periodic capsules.

every: This defines how often a new capsule will be created. 

In the example shown on the left, capsules of duration 1 day will be created every 1 hour.

Optionally enter thresholds: See description later in this article

Continuous scorecard metrics will display in the table with one value per capsule (in columns) per metric (in rows) for a given display window. However, only non-overlapping capsules will be displayed.  

The display window for this example is 11/11/18 7:50 PM to 11/14/18 7:50 PM.  Notice that only three columns are displayed despite the fact that there are 24 (hours) x 3 (days) = 72 periodic capsules calculating "behind-the-scenes."  In order to determine which capsules to display, Seeq finds the last completed capsule within the display window (in this case, 11/13/18 7:00 PM to 11/14/18 7:00 PM) and then looks backwards, picking all non-overlapping capsules that end in the display window.

When the display is changed back to trend view, the statistic will be plotted with one point at the end of each periodic capsule.  Even though the table view of this metric shows only three capsules, the trend view shows points for all 72 capsules that end in this 3 day display window.  The metric will be step interpolated. 

Adding Thresholds

Optionally enter thresholds: Specify threshold values to highlight data of interest.  Users can elect to modify the thresholds as follows:

  • Add thresholds by clicking the "+" sign

  • Choose the type of threshold desired

  • Enter the value for the limit or click the trend icon to select a signal as a limit

  • Delete thresholds by clicking the "x"

  • Select on any color box after the priority of the threshold is selected to change the color. 

Editing Columns

Configure the headers for metric columns: Users can configure columns to have no headers, date-based headers, or capsule property headers.

  • Date-based: Users can select to show only start or end times or the full range.  Users can select a variety of date formats by clicking on one of the predefined formats or typing in the code of a specific date format.  Clicking on the "?" will display the full list of date format codes.

  • Capsule Property: For a Condition Table, the user can choose to define the column headers by a capsule property.

Change custom column colors: Click the box in the header of any custom column to change its color. 

Administration (Changing Default Metric Colors)

Administrators can configure the default metric colors by changing the value of the Features/Colors/Priorities option as described in Editing Treemap and Scorecard Metric Colors.

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