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Although there’s a lot of flexibility, it turns out most solutions can be implemented by using a small number of elements. The following scenarios provide examples of how elements can be combined to implement solutions for common use cases.


I want to make something I’ve developed in Data Lab available to other Seeq users via a no-code interface

Use Python to add a user interface to your Data Lab Notebook and package an Add-on with an AddOnTool element that references the Notebook. Authorized users will be able to launch your tool from the Tool Panel and use it without knowing Python or being familiar with Data Lab.

How to Develop a Simple Interactive Add-on Tool using Seeq Data Lab is a good reference for developing an Add-on Tool that can be packaged using this documentation.

I want to add a new visualization to my Analysis that I can import into an Organizer Topic

Use HTML/CSS/JavaScript to create an Add-on with a Display Pane Plugin element. This element type can directly access the Display Range and Details Pane items (among other things) of the Analysis and be notified when they change. It can also call a Seeq Formula to produce the data needed for a particular visualization. Visualizations created this way can be added to Topic Documents just like the Trend and other default Seeq visualizations. While powerful on their own, a Plugin element can also be combined with FormulaPackage and/or DataLabFunctions elements to support more complex data processing for visualizations.

I want to create a tool that displays in the Tools Panel like other Seeq tools

Use HTML/CSS/JavaScript to create an Add-on with a Tool Pane Plugin element frontend and a Python DataLabFunctions element backend. Extremely rich and interactive Tools can be developed using this approach. The frontend tool responds to user input and makes standard REST requests to the backend API. The backend can use the Seeq Python Library (SPy) to further simplify processing.

I want my custom application to fill the area between the Seeq header and footer

Use HTML/CSS/JavaScript to create an Add-on with a Home Screen Plugin element frontend and a Python DataLabFunctions backend. This approach is great for rich integrated solutions that are not focused on a single Analysis. A FormulaPackage element can optionally be used to support complex and scalable calculations.

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