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What's New?

This page documents new features and capabilities as they become available to users. You will also find this information in Seeq from the blue megaphone on the bottom right corner of the home screen.

The announcements in Seeq will always be up to date with the version of Seeq you can access. If you see something on this page that is not yet announced via your megaphone, it is likely because you are on an older version.

You may also have access to Release Notes from the hamburger menu in the upper right corner, along with other helpful links.

Feb 11, 2025

Application Names in the Header

The header of each page now includes the name of the application, such as Workbench, to make it more clear which application you are in. With this change we’ve streamlined all headers to Seeq blue with an accent color underneath corresponding to the color of the application.

Audit Trail: Print to pdf, Formatting Improvements, and Ability to Hide System Entries

Audit Trail now has a button to print your current view to a pdf. The pdf will include critical information such as who printed it and when as well as what time frame and items are included in the printout. We’ve also added a few formatting improvements such as the ability to resize and reorder the columns. You can also choose whether to show or hide system actions which were not done by a user.


Jan 30, 2025

New Machine Learning Tools in Preview

All users will soon have access to three new Machine Learning Tools available in Seeq Workbench.

Self-Organizing Maps can be perfect for detecting anomalies in time-series data with an intuitive and visual approach.
Isolation Forest provides a fast and efficient tool for identifying outliers across complex datasets.
Partial Least Squares is ideal for dimensionality reduction and building predictive models from high-dimensional data.

These tools are currently in Preview and can be enabled by an Analytics Administrator. Read more at Machine Learning Models.

Jan 28, 2025

AI Assistant Quick Links in Journal

Users often have a hard time remembering to document their approach in a journal, or it can be a difficult task to do after the fact. The AI Assistant is here to help with that and there are two Quick Links available in any empty Journal to make it even easier to document your approach. This documentation is very helpful when collaborating with a team or preparing the next person in your role to learn quickly. Read more at Creating a Journal Entry.


Impact Reports in Preview

Seeq Champions across our customer base have been asking for insight on the value end users create in Seeq, so we have created Impact Reports to serve this purpose. Users can document the value they bring to the enterprise through Impact Reports. The reports are elevated in a single view across the enterprise to inspire collaboration and continuous improvement. This new capability is currently in Preview and can be enabled by an Analytics Administrator. Read more at


Change Description in Details Pane

When a description already exists on an item and it is displayed in the Details Pane, you can click to edit the description without opening Item Properties.

Jan 13, 2025

AI Assistant to Create and Update Organizer Topic Documents

The Actions Agent continues to expand to help users Do More! Now you can ask the Actions Agent to insert content into a new or existing Organizer, modify the document formatting, create or update date ranges or asset selections, and even copy an existing document to apply to each asset in a hierarchy. Using the Actions Agent in this way can minimize the time you spend on mundane things to allow more time to analyze and optimize your process. Read more at Seeq AI Assistant | Take-Actions-in-Seeq-for-you.

VANTAGE Journal is now available per View

Vantage now offers a Journal, accessible through the left-hand side’s Settings panel. The Journal, just like Workbench, can be used to document your findings, purpose of the View, and also give more details about how you are utilizing the View - to improve the AI Assistant responses. Use this icon [image-20250130-142846.png] to fill in a template to get started.

December 20, 2024

Home Screen Updates

The Custom Links were moved on the home screen from the right side of the page to the left side to better use available room. Several helpful links (like Get Started, Link to Training, and Office Hours) were moved to the hamburger menu in the upper right hand corner of the page. If you want to add custom links to every user’s home screen, see Add Home Screen Links.

VANTAGE Initial and On-demand Condition Monitor Run

When setting up your Condition Sources in Vantage, Seeq will run the initial backfill immediately to provide events so you can start investigating. The Conditions tab now shows indication of the “Last Run” and “Next Run” statuses in the top-right corner, where you can initiate a manual run, if you want to execute your search off-schedule. The defined schedule is maintained and will run again at the next scheduled time.


VANTAGE Condition Monitor Lookback more than 28 days

Both Lookback and Lookahead durations during configuration of your Condition Sources are now free-form, allowing you to enter the duration that fits your use case.


December 9, 2024

More Options for Coloring in Trend View

Calendar and Chain View now have a Color button in the Toolbar. This will look familiar if you have used Capsule view, Compare view, or XY Plot. Now you can change the color of signals, conditions, and other items right from the toolbar. In addition, you can do “conditional formatting” or color capsules by capsule property. This allows for additional visual information on the trend. This could be useful to color all capsules by Operation, color capsules that are longer than expected differently, or show some important contextual information to differentiate between High Temperature events.

December 6, 2024

Ask the AI Assistant to Document your Analysis

The Actions Agent in the AI Assistant can help you document your analysis! Everyone loves the idea of journaling so their colleagues can understand, but it can be hard to put into practice. You can give it prompts like “document my analysis” or “add a workstep at the top of my journal”. The analysis documentation is based on the items currently displayed and their calculation hierarchy.

Organizer Dashboard Improvements

Dashboard content can be sized from any side instead of just the lower right corner. Content can optionally be overlaid over other content if desired to get your content into just the right place.

Configure Scatter Plot Line Thickness

A thickness column in the Details Pane allows you to configure the width of lines drawn on the scatter plot.


VANTAGE Group by Day, Week, Month or Year

You can now group by various date aggregations, like Day or Week, to more easily bucket events with Datetime columns, like Start and End.


VANTAGE Indication in Workbench that a Condition is monitored in Seeq Vantage

A small, clickable Vantage icon is now visible in your Workbench Details Pane, indicating a Condition is being monitored in a Vantage Room. When clicked, this icon will open a modal with details about the Vantage Room and a link to open it.


November 19, 2024

AI Assistant responds with Seeq YouTube Videos

The AI Assistant can now also provide helpful Seeq videos from the Seeq YouTube channel in case you prefer learning a video over reading instructions.

Audit Trail legibility improvements for Capability User Groups

Capability User Groups names replace GUIDs in the Audit Trail.

October 31, 2024

Interactive Treemap can Select Asset in Organizer Documents

Treemaps can now be inserted in Organizer Documents as interactive content. When attached to an asset selection, selecting a box on the Treemap will update that asset selection and any content associated with it. When viewers have the appropriate permissions to content in the Organizer, this asset selection from Treemap will work in Edit, View Only, and Presentation views, but it will only persist in Edit view. Asset selection from the Treemap is currently limited to assets that do not contain any asset children. Read more at Inserting Content - Documents | Set-Content-Properties[inlineExtension] .

Interactive Treemap.gif
October 18, 2024

Separable Administrator Capabilities

Previously, each individual was either a “user” or an “admin” in Seeq. Now, there are various administration capabilities that can be given to other users without making them a full Seeq Administrator. This allows users to have the capabilities they need without giving them unnecessary capabilities. Read more at

Group Capabilities.png

October 14, 2024

New bitwise functions in Formula

There are several new Seeq Formula functions for performing bitwise arithmetic. Added functions are bitwiseAnd, bitwiseOr, bitwiseXor , bitwiseShiftLeft and bitwiseShiftRight. These can be used on pairs of scalars or on a signal and a scalar. These signals and scalars should be decimal representation of integers. The signals need to be discrete or step interpolated.

For example, if you have a control signal indicating system state and want to check when the fourth bit is on, you can use bitwiseAnd($signal, 8) > 0 to create a condition for when that bit is active. See Formula Documentation for more examples.

More easily create Notifications

The first workflow for creating Notifications required you to know about item properties. Now you can create a notification from the three dot menu next to any condition in the Details Pane.

September 25, 2024

Flexible SCIM Token Validity

SCIM token validity can now be configured when generating a token from the Datasources Tab of the Administration Pane. Read more at SCIM.

August 24, 2024


All users can now view their usage by selecting "Usage" from the dropdown menu in the upper right corner. This interface shows a variety of user activity, including workbooks accessed, projects run, and AI Assistant agents interactions. Analytics administrators are able to see this information for all users. Read more at Understanding Usage Data.


Filtering Tools

Now you can use the filter in the Tools Pane regardless of which level of Tools you are on. Previously this was only available at the highest level. You might find this particularly helpful if your organization has many Add-ons available.

August 10, 2024

Display Units

Seeq supports many units of measure, but there are still some units we do not yet support. Any user can add optional Display Units to any signal via the item properties. These will display in the trend and in the Details Pane. Read more at Display Units.

Seeq Directory Authentication Options

Many customers take advantage of Seeq’s OAuth 2.0 connectivity for end user authentication. But there are times when you need to collaborate with colleagues who may not be able to use that form of authentication.

When the Seeq Directory is used, administrators can now require more advanced passwords and require users reset their password on the next log-in. See Enabling Seeq Directory Self-Service Password Reset for more details.

July 2024

Intro video on home screen

Users who have been around for a while may remember we used to have an orientation video on the home screen. It is back, new and improved! This can help orient new users onboarding to Seeq before they have access to training.

AI Assistant for Formula Help

Where you used to get help directly in Formula from the AI Assistant, now there are sparkles that will launch the AI Assistant side panel with the Formula Agent active.

New Formula Assistant Workflow.gif
June 2024

Convert to Formula

Part way through an analysis, you may want to make more complicated changes to a calculated item that you originally created with a tool. There is a new option in the Item Properties to allow any item that was created by other tools to be opened in the Formula tool for further editing. This makes it easier to continuously improve your analysis by seamlessly transitioning from a simple tool to a more complicated Formula based solution without creating a new item and mapping any other items that depend on the original item. This change cannot be reverted. Read more in Item Properties.

May 2024

User Datasource Preferences

Some global customers have many datasources connected, but an individual working at a single site may not need to access all data. One way to manage this so individuals have less to search through is with access control. If your company has an open policy with access control but you are tired of sorting through datasources you have no interest in, navigate to the User menu in the upper right corner and modify your Preferences. There is a new tab to select datasource preferences. After selecting datasource preferences, any searches performed in Workbench will only be applied to the datasources selected. Read more here.


Flexible Layouts

We have introduced more customization to Workbench and Organizer layouts. You can move different parts of the interface around so that Journal can always be open, or the Details Pane can be somewhere else to maximize room for a trend. These layouts are saved for each user per application, so your Organizer layout might be different from Workbench. You can reset the layout to default from the User menu in the upper right corner.

Flexible Layout.gif

Multicolumn Lookup Tables

Now a single table can have multiple columns to lookup against. Additionally, the “experimental” name has been dropped from these operators.
Read more here.


Option to talk to the AI Assistant

Use the microphone icon in the AI Assistant to ask your question verbally instead of typing!

April 2024

Overriding dashed lines in charts

We've heard from many of you that the hollow capsules and dashed lines lead to questions from your audience. While advanced users should probably understand the nuances of certain and uncertain data for performance, you can choose to not reflect uncertainty in the trend by using the Certainty button in the toolbar. Seeq will still correctly update values that may change, but you will no longer need to explain why a monthly average calculation becomes dashed part way through the trend.

You can also apply this when inserting content in Organizer.

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