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Action Required: Upgrade Data Lab Projects to Python 3.11

Python 3.8 will be removed from Seeq Data Lab because it will reach end-of-life in October 2024.

As a result, Project Notebooks, Scheduled Notebooks, Add-ons, and Data Lab Functions currently utilizing the Python 3.8 kernel will no longer be supported. This may lead to compatibility issues or unexpected behavior. To ensure continued functionality and access to the latest features and security updates, Data Lab will transition to Python 3.11 as the default kernel. We recommend that users update their Data Lab Projects to be compatible with Python 3.11 to avoid any disruptions.

What to do

Perform the steps in the Data Lab Python 3.11 Compatibility Guide. This will instruct you on how to update existing Python 3.8 notebooks to use the Python 3.11 kernel.

What happens once Python 3.8 is removed?

When Python 3.8 is removed from Seeq Data Lab, any notebooks previously saved with the Python 3.8 kernel will automatically default to using the Python 3.11 kernel. This includes Scheduled Notebooks, Add-ons, and Data Lab Functions, all of which will run using the Python 3.11 environment.

This means any notebook cell that attempts to import packages that have not been installed in the Python 3.11 environment will fail with a ModuleNotFoundError. To prevent this, make sure to verify that all necessary packages are installed and correctly configured in your Python 3.11 environment.

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