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Getting started with Vantage

Once licensed and enabled, a Vantage Room can be accessed via the same “New” dropdown that is used to create Workbench Analyses, Organizer Topics, and Data Lab Projects. Vantage Rooms are access controlled, and searchable throughout the Home page, just like the other apps.


Navigating a Vantage Room

Vantage is segmented into 3 primary tabs: Settings, Evidence and Context.

Your Vantage Room will begin empty. Start finding Capsules by configuring your Condition Sources to begin populating your table, by navigating to the Conditions tab.



The Settings menu on the left-hand side allows users with at least Write access to the Room to control Room-wide options, including:

  • Conditions: Define which Conditions across the platform you want to monitor, and how often.

  • Columns: Control which columns you want available for you (and others) to leverage for navigating your evidence table. These columns are most commonly transcribed from Capsule properties.

  • Context: Customize which context actions appear in the context panel, located above the notes field. These settings apply to all users in this Vantage Room and provide corresponding table columns for filtering.

  • Journal: Free-form text editor available similarly to Workbench for cataloging your workflow and intentions. Journal is unique per Vantage Room’s View.


The focal point of Vantage is the table of capsules. These events can be sorted, filtered and grouped in the table. Specific table states, including the date range, can be saved as a View for easy navigation.

Within this pane, you also have the ability to toggle on/off QuickTrend - which will show you related time-series trends based on your selection in the table below.


The Context pane presents all related context (notes, labels, etc.) to the selection you make in the table and allows for entering new context.

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