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Seeq Vantage

Seeq Vantage is part of Seeq’s Industrial Enterprise Monitoring Suite, and does require an additional license to be enabled. Please contact your Seeq Account team to get started.

What is Seeq Vantage?

Seeq Vantage is the latest Seeq application, designed for industrial enterprise monitoring, and integrated into the Seeq Platform. It allows organizations to streamline enterprise monitoring workflows and operationalize exception-based surveillance strategies, at scale. This application is particularly useful for analyzing data from thousands of sensors and assets, enabling engineers and operations teams to quickly triage and diagnose events while documenting insights.

Key capabilities of Seeq Vantage include:

  • Enterprise Searches: Users can configure searches for conditions created by different users across Seeq, assembling them into a single place.

  • Event Context and History: Users can add context to events, such as comments, labels, and reason codes, which are documented for further analytics use and collaboration.

  • User-Created Views: Users can save and share custom views to see only the alerts relevant to their objectives.

  • Accelerated Time-to-Validation: Integration with Seeq Workbench allows users to drill into events for detailed root-cause analysis and investigation.

It is designed to improve monitoring efficiency and is most commonly applied to use cases like predictive maintenance, asset monitoring, downtime tracking, and alarm rationalization.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why don't I see Vantage in my organization's Seeq home-screen "New" dropdown?

Seeq Vantage is part of the Industrial Enterprise Monitoring Suite and requires a separate license before enabling on your Seeq server. Please contact your account team to learn more and get started.

Why use Seeq Vantage vs. Seeq Workbench/Organizer?

Seeq Vantage aggregates Capsules from all across the Seeq system, not visuals like Organizer. The table of Capsules is the focus of Vantage, but also allows teams to collaboratively contextualize and investigate these events adding notes, labels, flags and more.

Can I use Vantage for a variety of event-monitoring use cases?

Yes, Vantage is just like the other Seeq applications and allows you to create many instances - called Rooms. Each Room can be customized to monitor different sets of Conditions, share with different teammates, and even customize the workflow you need for your monitoring use case.

Does Vantage monitor all the Conditions from my Seeq server?

Not by default. Vantage allows you to customize your searches for different subsets of Conditions, depending on the use case.

How do I define which Conditions to monitor?

The Conditions you choose to monitor is defined in the Settings > Conditions tab. Here, you can define different search criteria for Conditions throughout your Seeq system.

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