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Profile Search

Profile Searches enable you to highlight a signal pattern on the trend and find other occurrences of that pattern on the same signal. A condition is created with a capsule for every time a pattern occurs that meets your search criteria. You can then use the condition to view other signals during the same time the pattern or profile occurs, perform calculations or any other condition operation inside Seeq.

Using the Profile Search Tool

Select the signal containing the profile: From the dropdown menu, select a signal from the details pane, pinned items or recently used sections.

Select the profile of interest on chart:  In the Display Pane, click, hold and drag to select your target profile

Similarity: Enter the similarity percentage for which to match the profile. A higher percentage is more restrictive and a lower percentage is less restrictive.

Require similar size: This will include only patterns occurring for a similar magnitude on the y-axis, in the Condition. Unchecking this box will allow matches which are the same shape but different size. For example, if this option is not selected, if the target pattern occurs between 0 - 25kW a similar matching pattern occurring between 0- 50kW would also be included in the condition.

Require similar level: This will include only patterns occurring for a similar scale on the, y-axis, in the Condition. Unchecking this box will allow matches which are the same shape but are centered around different levels. For example, if this option is not selected, if the target pattern occurs around 25kW a similar matching pattern occurring centered around 1025kW would also be included in the condition.

Available outside this analysis: Checking this box will allow this signal to be used in other workbench analyses and topics. It will be available for all Seeq users and will display in their search results. Consider using a unique name as the signal will be published to the global name space. 


If there is a capsule included that you do not want included, select the capsule and look for the similarity in the Capsules pane. 

Edit the profile search and set the similarity above the undesired level.

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