Creating an Add-on Tool
Add-on tools can be created by using the User Tool Creator, which is a home screen Add-on.

An Admin needs to install the User Tool Creator from using the Add-on Manager.

Installing New Add-on Tools
The User Tool Creator is used to install additional Add-on Tools. This section goes through the various inputs for each of the tools.
Tool Name: The name of the tool shown in green text in the Add-on Tool button. | ![]() |
Description: The description shown in black text underneath the Name. Long descriptions will wrap to the next line and increase the height of the Add-on Tool button. | |
Icon: Any Font Awesome icon to show in green next to the Name. Potential Font Awesome icons can be found at the website and take the form of “fa fa-<icon>” | |
Target URL: The target is the URL that you want opened. This can link to a website or most commonly is a Seeq Data Lab Notebook in Add-on Mode . In order to get the Target URL for a Seeq Data Lab Notebook, open the desired Notebook in Add-on Mode and copy the URL that includes “/addon/” that indicates the Notebook is in Add-on Mode. Example:
| |
Location: Choose whether the Add-on Tool should launch a new tab or window.
| |
Reuse Display: Identifies whether a new window is opened each time the tool card is clicked or if it reuses the currently open tab/window. | |
Include Seeq Workbook Parameters: The special | |
Add Query Parameter: Define custom query parameters to include in the Target URL The Target URL with all query parameters will be passed to the special variable, |
Managing User Created Add-on Tools
Once an Add-on Tool is created it will automatically be adopted by the Add-on Manager, but can take up to 1 hour to appear in the Add-on Manager. The Add-on Manager can then be used to manage access or uninstall the Add-on.
We strongly recommend using a separate Data Lab Project for each user created Add-on Tool. A user created Add-on Tool will not be adopted by the Add-on Manager if there is more than one Tool in the Data Lab Project.
Uninstalled Add-ons will have their underlying project archived. If the project is still required after uninstalling it can be restored from the Trash of the user who owned the project (located on the users home screen)