What's New?
Duplicate Worksheet includes option for duplicating items
Duplicating a worksheet now gives you the option to either use the same items (this used to be the only option) or create copies of existing items. This can be used in many ways such as testing out how changes to a calculation will affect downstream calculations or making a copy for someone else to use. For more information see the Knowledge Base.

Custom frequency periodic conditions without Formula
One example where a periodic condition comes in handy is looking at operational shift teams. Now the Periodic Condition Tool has a Custom dropdown so you can easily configure capsule durations and frequency of new capsules without having to turn to the periods() function in Formula.

Override capsule height when only conditions display
There’s a new checkbox in the Customize menu which allows users to decide if they want the capsules to be auto-expanded to the size of the screen when only conditions are present or control the size of the conditions manually using the dropdowns.

Export to OData
Export to Excel
The Export to Excel feature has been reworked significantly. More configuration options are available in the form, performance has been improved, a new Items sheet is now included, the Samples sheet is more compatible with CSV Import and SPy Pull, more stats have been added to the Statistics sheet, and much more. Full details can be found at Export to Excel.
Maintain PDF Page Settings
We’ve heard that sometimes your Organizer Topic just doesn’t look good as a PDF when constrained to a letter sized page with portrait layout. Now you can configure a different layout and page size that will also be applied to PDFs that are sent via email on a schedule. The PDF button has changed slightly but you will still find it in the toolbar.
If you use Fixed Width mode, the browser page will also reflect the settings configured.

More color options in Organizer & Journal
For users who like to modify their Organizer documents to match their company color schemes, this is now a bit easier than previously. You have access to more font colors and cell background colors from a color picker instead of having to find the HEX or RGB combos.

Interactive Data Lab content in Organizer
Our Data Lab users have been busy generating a wealth of visualizations, but many prefer python to HTML, and getting some of those visualizations back into Organizer has been no easy task. Now Data Lab users can use the power of Data Lab API functions (Invoking A Data Lab Functions REST API Endpoint ) to create a visualization that can optionally take date range and asset selection parameters so end users in Organizer can have dynamic content provided by Data Lab.
This is ready to use, but in the Preview section because we have plans to change how you will insert this kind of content and make it overall easier to use in the future. Read more at Inserting Seeq Content | Data-Lab-Content-in-Organizer.
Simplified access for external users
The Everyone group can now be a little more exclusive if you are using Seeq in an enterprise with lots of data sharing nuances. Administrators can opt user groups in or out of the Everyone group, giving you an easier time managing access controls to varied datasources and other content in Seeq. Read more at Planning Seeq Access for External Users and contact Seeq sales to upgrade your license to include this new capability.
Read more in the release notes.