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Invoking A Data Lab Functions REST API Endpoint

API Endpoint URL Structure

The API endpoint URL follows a well-defined structure, allowing users to access specific functionalities within Data Lab. The URL is composed of several components:

  1. {protocol}: Refers to the protocol used for communication, such as "http" or "https."

  2. {seeq_server}: Represents the address of the Seeq server, which hosts the Data Lab environment.

  3. {project_uuid}: Unique identifier for the Data Lab project that contains the desired Jupyter notebook.

  4. functions/notebooks/{notebook_name}/endpoints/{endpoint_path}: Specifies the path to the API endpoint within the Jupyter notebook.

  5. {query_string}: Optional query parameters that can be passed to the API for further customization.

Example Endpoint URL:

Let's break down a sample API endpoint URL:

  • This part represents the Seeq server's address and port number.

  • /data-lab/75744496-4887-4531-93CD-88DD03524544: The Data Lab project UUID uniquely identifies the specific project.

  • /functions/notebooks/workbook_migration/endpoints/migrate: This path points to the endpoint named "migrate" within the "workbook_migration" Jupyter notebook.

  • ?workbook_name=Test%20Analysis: An optional query parameter, "workbook_name," is provided as part of the URL.

Executing Data Lab Functions via API

Users and developers can now perform a variety of operations by sending HTTP requests to the custom API endpoints defined within Jupyter notebooks. These operations can include data analysis, visualization, model execution, and much more.


Seeq Headers

Data Lab Functions request must include an authentication token header or cookie but can include optional consumption headers.

  • sq-auth / x-sq-auth (required)

    • Use sq-auth if supplied in cookie and x-sq-auth if supplied in header

    • The authentication token to a Seeq site

  • sq-origin-label (optional)

    • This header sets the displayed text for the data consumption record. The default value is the project name concatenated with the base notebook path. For example, Data Lab Functions Demo - DataLabFunctionsTest

  • sq-origin-url (optional)

    • This header sets the url that links to the consumption label. The default value is the URL to the notebook. For example:

Custom Headers

You may add any other headers you wish to the Data Lab Functions request. Headers can be accessed in the REQUEST dictionary: REQUEST["headers"] A common use case would be to change the content type of the response. See Content Types

DataFrame Response

To return a pandas DataFrame from a Data Lab Functions endpoint, convert the DataFrame to a dictionary and return that from the endpoint. Then in the client create a DataFrame from the response json.

Server endpoint:

# GET /test
df_json = df.to_json(orient='columns') # where df is the DataFrame you want to return
response = json.loads(df_json)

Python client:

response_json = response.json()
df = pd.DataFrame(response_json)

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