What's New?
General AI Assistant
SaaS customers who opt in to have the AI Assistant now have access to it anywhere in Seeq by clicking on the sparkle icon in the upper right corner. The Seeq AI Assistant can help you onboard, provide inspiration on how to do analytics, and even do some work for you!

Select the Actions Agent from the dropdown in the chat box and give the AI Assistant a task to carry out while you do something else. The AI Assistant can help you get more done by creating items on your behalf and reorganizing your display, among other things. Try prompts like
Find when temperature is less than 60.
Move flow to lane 5.
Smooth all my signals.
We recommend you ask the Actions Agent what it can help you with since its capabilities may grow faster than this page can be updated.

Worksheet Preferences
There are a lot of ways to configure how your data displays in Seeq. Recently we turned labels on lanes and units of measure on the y axis by default, but there may be other preferences you have that you find yourself adding each time. Now you can save these preferences from your User Preferences menu when in Workbench so any worksheet you create will be made just as you like it.
Read more at Worksheet Preferences.

Formatting in the Capsules Pane
Use the three dot menu on property and statistic columns in the Capsules pane to change the formatting of the data displayed. This will apply to numeric and string properties and statistics and will also be reflected in the properties overlaid on each capsule if configured to display via the Labels dropdown in the toolbar.
Read more at Displaying Signal or Capsule Properties and Statistics.

More options for Condition Table Formatting
Columns in Condition Tables have a new Column Style option in the three dot menu so you can change the font style and alignment to create a table that is easier for your team to view results.
Read more at Tables & Charts.

Display Pane Plugins can be Interactive in Organizer
If you have developed your own Display Pane Plugins, or take advantage of Seeq’s Display Pane Plugins that can be accessed from the Add-on Manager, these can now be inserted as interactive content in Organizer. This will allow your Organizer users to hover over trends to see values or interact with Add-ons like Parallel Coordinates to make temporary selections from Organizer.

Italian and Mandarin Support
Ciao & 你好 ! Users can now select Italian or Mandarin from the list of languages when configuring their profile.
Audit Trail Includes Datasource Configuration Changes
Audit Trail now includes changes to Datasource Configuration, whether they are applied via the Admin Datasources user interface or from a JSON file on the remote agent. We don’t have a user to attribute them to when JSON files are updated on the remote agent, so we recommend updating through the user interface to track the most information.
We recommend using the best practices outlined in Storing Datasource Configuration Secrets to avoid recording clear text passwords in the Audit Trail.
Keyword variable support in SQL Connector
There are a number of cases where it is helpful to have more control over how SQL queries are assembled. In order to better support querying partitioned data from data lakes or warehouses, we have introduced keyword variable support to the SQL Connector.
This improves how Seeq can connect to Synapse, Databricks, Athena and other systems when data is partitioned. Read more at Creating a Query Definition for the SQL Connector | Retrieving-partitioned-data.
Insight on engagement with the AI Assistant
The Usage tab of the Administration page has a new “Token” option to show which users are interacting with AI Assistants and can also indicate which types of help they get from the AI Assistant.
Read more at Exploring Usage Data.

Read more in the release notes.