Tables & Charts
Use the Table view to organize data in Simple and Condition tables for display in Organizer Topics. See Displaying Signal or Capsule Properties and Statistics for configuring tables in the Details and Capsules Panes while working with data in Workbench.
To enter into Tables & Charts View, click the mode button in the upper left corner followed by the Tables selection.
There are two types of supported Table views: Simple Tables and Condition Tables.

Simple tables show values or statistics over the entire Display Range. Condition tables show values or statistics for each capsule present in the Display Range.

For Simple Tables, control which signals or conditions are displayed with selection in Details Pane.
Default ordering is set by Details Pane ordering. Reorder lanes or sort in Details Pane to change order of items displayed in the Table.
Transpose or apply zebra striping for readability with buttons in the Toolbar. Condition tables will default to Transpose on so that the conditions appear down the display instead of across, but this can be changed when desired.

Both table views support multiple column sorting. Apply a sort order using the options accessed from the three dot menu on each column or row as appropriate. As each new sort is applied, it takes precedence over the other sorts. Clicking the icon at the top of the table indicating sorting has been applied will reverse the sort. Remove the sort from the three dot menu.
The sort is applied to the values in the cells without considering the unit of measure column, so 100 degC will appear lower than 150 degF when sorting descending.

Where Metrics are present, optionally use the Metric thresholds to filter the data. Otherwise, select the appropriate numeric logic and enter a number below to filter.
When a string column is selected, filter by match or does not match with corresponding text or regular expression.
Text filters will generally provide a pick list to select which text to consider based on the logic selected (match or not match). There are a few instances where text pick lists may not be available. In each of these scenarios, the regular expression or clear text filter will still work. Current limitations include:
Filtering the asset column of a condition based tables taken across assets where the condition is not asset based (a daily condition reflected across assets).
Filtering a condition based table displaying a metric by the Value column of the underlying condition
Value (Original)
.The data type must be consistent in the column for filtering to work.

Grouping and Aggregating
Grouping and aggregations is now possible in order to roll up any individual column over the grouped rows and provide a higher level summary.
Enable grouping mode with the Grouping button in the toolbar. If the Grouping button is disabled, transpose the table in order to use grouping.
When grouping is enabled, drag any column header into the area above the table, or select “Group By” in the dropdown for each column’s three dot menu.
All rows that are grouped will automatically collapse but can be expanded. The order of grouping can be changed by dragging the grouped names in the shaded region above the table. Remove grouping by disabling the Group button or removing each grouped column name in the shaded region.
Aggregations in Grouped Tables
When grouping has been applied, navigate to another column and select the three dot menu. Find Value Aggregation in the list and choose which aggregation you would like to apply to that column of grouped values. The column header will automatically change to reflect the aggregation applied in addition to the name of the column. The user can change the name of the column but not the text indicating which aggregation has been applied.
Supported aggregations include Sum, Min, Max, Count, Average, Range, Standard Deviation, First and Last. The standard deviation is calculated as if the table represents the whole population.
Applying any filters to any columns will remove those entries from aggregated results as they are no longer shown in the table.
To remove the aggregation, use the three dot menu and select None in the Value Aggregation slide out.
Aggregations are not yet supported in Chart Views.

Grouping a simple table across assets and aggregating with a sum for an overall count of outages.

Evaluating batch operations with aggregated process statistics grouped by different operations.
Refresh Table
The results of Simple and Condition tables are saved for a short period of time for a better experience when sorting or filtering the results, up to 1 day. The results are saved for the combination of items displayed and the date range selected.
If the date range extends into the future or if there is a lot of uncertain data, there may be times you want to refresh the table in Workbench using the Refresh Table icon in the upper right corner.
Any change to the date range displayed or items displayed will refresh the table, which could take some time pending the number of items involved and the datasources used.

To color a cell by its value, use Scorecard Metrics. Simple Metrics will color cells in Simple Tables and Condition Metrics will color cells in Condition Tables.
Other formatting can be applied to headers or row styles like cell and font color, alignment, bold or italicized. After editing one header style, you can apply to all or apply to select headers. This can help you create better looking tables to match desired formatting in Organizer Topics.
In R65 and later, columns in both Simple and Condition Tables have font style and alignment options when you select Column Style from the three dot menu of each column.

Simple Tables
Simple mode displays Simple Metrics and allows quick statistic selection for signals and conditions over the whole display range.
Add statistics as new columns in the table.

If Simple Metrics are in the Details Pane, their coloring will apply to the Simple table cell that has the same signal/statistic combination.
Metrics will provide the click through behavior to go from the table to a trend of that metric. Clicking on non-metric cells will not change the view.

The Metric Value column will collect all Scorecard Metric values in a single column if they are calculated using different aggregations.

The headers of each column can be overridden with free text entry or by configuring the date range options in the Headers button on the Toolbar.

Simple tables can also display as pie, bar, and column charts using the Chart View dropdown in the Toolbar.
Select the chart you would like to display and optionally configure which columns are used for Series Names, Categories, and which results appear as Series.
The chart will display data that corresponds to the tabular representation. Applying filters or sorts in Table View will apply to the Chart View as well.
Condition Tables
Use the Condition Table to display Condition and Continuous Metrics. Simple Metrics will not display in Condition Table. Conditions can also display here without Metrics, but Metrics will be needed to color cells relative to values against thresholds or to click on the value and see the underlying metric in Trend View.
Select Condition or Continuous Metrics to display in the Details Pane. Adjust column header formatting with Header button in Toolbar.

Capsule Properties can also be used as headers. Some examples of when this will be useful is for capturing operational modes, product grades, or batch IDs.
Selecting the Value (Original) property corresponds to the Value property set for the Stages condition in Seeq Formula.

Condition tables will show any capsules that are in conditions in the details pane and Condition or Continuous metrics. Where the same condition is used, duplicate rows will be removed.
Add a new column as a signal/statistic combination as previously possible in the Capsule Pane, or add a property. Drag and drop these columns manually added to reorder. Condition and Continuous scorecards will display as columns that cannot yet be reordered.

Tables across Assets
If there is at least one calculation/item shown in your table that is based on an asset, use the Asset button in the Toolbar to select a parent asset to reflect the results in the table. Selecting a parent will display a table across any descendants (no matter their location in the tree). In the table to the left, Example >> Cooling Tower 1 is selected to see Average Temperature results across all Areas below Cooling Tower 1.
Changing the Number Format for the signal in the Details Pane pane will update the same signal’s statistics in the table and will also reflect that number formatting across available assets when assets are selected.

Unit Conversion
A Table across assets will automatically convert units where applicable. For example, if a Flow signal for one asset is measured in kgal and a Flow signal for another asset is measured in cubic meters, the table will automatically convert to the units of the original asset in the Details Pane (kgal, in the example to the right). The Unit of Measure column can be configured, which will disable this automatic conversion. Conversion can be enabled by checking the Convert Units box in the the Asset button in the toolbar.