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Seeq APIs and SDKs

Seeq provides several application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs) that can be used to extend Seeq functionality with software code.

Seeq Server REST API

The nexus of all Seeq activity is its REST API. The Seeq web application uses the REST API exclusively for all its capabilities, so any data access and analytics you see in Seeq Workbench or Organizer can be accomplished via the REST API.

Documentation for the REST API is available from the API Reference link on the upper-right "hamburger menu".

When clicked, the API Reference documentation interface will open in a separate browser tab. You can click to expand any of the main sections and explore the various endpoints.

The first thing shown for each endpoint is the JSON document that is returned when the API is invoked. Click the Model link under the Response Class section to view documentation for each returned object / field.

Parameters for the endpoint are shown next, and again you can click the Model link for any of the parameters to view documentation.

Finally, the Response Messages section contains the possible result codes and associated reasons.

You can invoke an API directly from this interface by supplying parameters and clicking the Execute button at the bottom of the endpoint. Note that the API will be invoked using the current user's credentials. Once invoked, you can view the resulting URL, response body, response code and response headers. This can be a quick way to explore the API or perform an advanced administrative command.

For most commands, you will need to execute them as an authenticated user. Invoke the /auth/login command to authenticate, which will return a session token in the x-sq-auth response header. You must supply this in the same x-sq-auth header for all future requests that require an authenticated user. You can see this pattern in action in the API Reference user interface by looking at the Curl section after you click Execute. Note that the token returned by the login process expires after a certain amount of inactivity.  If expired, the token will no longer be valid and authentication will need to be performed again.  The inactivity timeout can be configured by setting the sessionDuration field for the user. 

Seeq Server SDK

Seeq provides software development kits (SDKs) to interface with the Seeq Server in each of the following languages:

  • Python

  • Java

  • C#


The latest version of the Seeq Server SDK is available from the Customer Download page.

These SDKs are programmatically derived from the Seeq Server REST API, and therefore all functionality available from the REST API is available from the SDKs. Each of the main sections is exposed as an API object, and all of the endpoints are methods on that object. Due to the differences between the format of a REST API and the format of a C#/Java/Python method/function, you sometimes have to use the short description of the function to correlate it with the appropriate endpoint in the REST API documentation.

The SDKs are available in the sdk folder of the Seeq Server installation, which on Windows is usually C:\Program Files\Seeq Server\sdk. Example code is included for each SDK in the examples folder, and provides a good introduction to how the SDK is used.  There is also a Python SDK Quick Start using PyCharm.

*There is also a MATLAB SDK that provides programmatic access to signals and conditions from MATLAB. It is not programmatically derived from the REST API, and only provides a small subset of functionality. But it covers the most typical use case: Getting data out of Seeq and into MATLAB for advanced data processing. There are example scripts in the samples folder that show how to use the provided functions.

Seeq Connector SDK

Seeq provides a software development kit for those that wish to write their own connector to a proprietary datasource.

Connectors can be written in C# or Java.

The latest version of the Seeq Connector SDK is available from the Customer Download page.

Upon download, unzip the connector SDK to your hard drive and open the README.html file within the connector-sdk folder in your browser. This README file should provide you with all the information you need to get started.

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