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Item Properties

Item Properties displays meta-data associated with the selected item.

Using the Item Properties Tool

Select item: From the dropdown menu, select an item that appears in your Details pane. The item must be visible in the Details pane to be listed in this menu.  Note that you can also get to an item's properties panel by clicking on the 

icon next to it in the Details pane.

To duplicate calculated items: To duplicate a calculated series or condition, you can select the "Duplicate" button at the bottom to create an identically populated series or condition tool, or "Duplicate to Formula" to create a populated Formula editor with the raw Seeq formula for your item.  These will always require a unique name for the new item.

Depending on the type of the item as well as its datasource, there can be additional properties. Below are the properties generally shared across items.

For all items:

Datasource Class:  The Datasource Class is a description of the datasource. Examples include Cassandra, Seeq's primary database, instrument systems such as from an analyzer, or full-featured historians.

Datasource ID: The Datasource ID allows searching on specific types of data sources such as a specific PI Server.

ID: Unique identifier.

Access Control: Only available for people with Manage access to the item. 

Scope: If this item was created in Seeq, this shows whether it can be searched for and accessed outside this analysis.

Description: The description assigned to the item. Seeq Admins or users with write credentials to the item can edit this description.

Formula: If the item was created in Seeq, displays the Seeq Formula used to create the item. It is sometimes useful to look up a Formula this way for copy and reuse. If available, formula parameters used to create the item are displayed.

Item Usages: Find local and global calculated items and Threshold Metrics that are built on top of the item. 

Signal Properties:

Interpolation Method: Linear or Step

Maximum Interpolation: The maximum interpolation of the signal. The farthest two consecutive samples are spaced with interpolation between those two samples.

Source Maximum Interpolation: The maximum interpolation as provided when the signal was saved or updated by a connector. By default, this is used to determine the usable maximum interpolation for the signal.

Override Maximum Interpolation: Optional user-created property that will be used instead of the source maximum interpolation. Only Seeq Admins, or users with write credentials are able to edit this field. 

Unit Of Measure: The unit of measure such as kW or mL.

Cache Enabled: If true, the data is cached internally to the Seeq database.

Number Format: Configure number formatting to display in Seeq for the signal.  

Condition Properties:

Maximum Duration: The maximum duration of the Capsule if available.

Scalar Properties:

Cache Value: Value of the scalar. 

Number Format: Configure number formatting to display in Seeq for the signal.  

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