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Value Search

Value Search enables users to create conditions by pulling context directly out of their signals.

Using the Value Search Tool

The Value Search tool has two search types with different corresponding inputs:

Simple Search:

Select the signal to search:  From the dropdown menu select a signal from the details pane, pinned items or recently used sections.

Specify search criteria:   

  • Operator: Select the logical operator that defines what values will be used to create a capsule.

  • Value: Enter either a number or click the signal icon on the right side of the input to select a signal for your threshold.

  • Signal Gaps: You can select the “Ignore signal gaps” checkbox if you want to remove any samples from a signal which have invalid values.

  • Short Capsules/Gaps: You can select "ignore short capsules/gaps" to eliminate capsules or gaps shorter than the specified time periods. This option has been selected to show the menu options in the image on the left.

Advanced Search:

Select the signal to search:  From the dropdown menu select a signal from the details pane, pinned items or recently used sections.

Specify the entry criteria:   Select the logical operator that defines the start of an individual capsule. In addition to the logical operator you can specify the duration over which the criteria must be met in order to trigger the start of a capsule. 

Specify the exit criteria:  Select the logical operator and time duration that defines the end of a capsule in the same manner as the start. The tool will automatically populate the inverse of your entry criteria for convenience but you can edit any of the selections as needed. 

Maximum capsule duration: Choose the maximum duration you would anticipate any individual capsule to last

Using ValueSearch function in Seeq Formula:

Seeq users can also access the Value Search capability in the Formula Tool. Examples below show the syntax and common use cases for the valueSearch() function. The examples are based on the same "Compressor Power" signal in units of kW as above.  The term "$signal" refers to a generic Seeq Formula signal name.  

Syntax for ValueSearch in Seeq Formula: 

$signal.valueSearch(X, CEntry (VEntry), tEntry, CExit (VExit), tExit)

Where:     X = maximum capsule duration in units of time

C = comparison function for entry/exit criteria (i.e. isGreaterThan, isLessThanOrEqualTo, etc.)

V = threshold value for entry/exit criteria

t = time requirement for entry/exit criteria 

Examples of ValueSearch in Seeq Formula: 

  • Create capsules for time ranges of up to 1 day where the "Compressor Power" signal value is greater than 5 kW.

$signal.valueSearch(1day, isGreaterThan(5.0 kW))

  • Create capsules for time ranges of up to 1 day where the signal's value is between 2.5 kW (inclusive) and 7.5 kW (exclusive).

$signal.valueSearch(1day, isBetween(2.5kW, 7.5kW))

  • Create capsules for time ranges of up to 1 day where the signal's value is between 2.5 kW (inclusive) and 7.5 kW (exclusive), triggering a capsule creation only if the signal value stays inside the range for at least 4 seconds.

$signal.valueSearch(1day, isBetween(2.5kW, 7.5kW), 4s)

  • Create capsules for time ranges of up to 1 day, starting a capsule when the signal's value becomes greater than 5 kW for at least 4 seconds, and ending a capsule when the signal value becomes greater than 15.0 kW for at least 3 seconds.

$signal.valueSearch(1 day, isGreaterThan(5.0 kW), 4s, true, isGreaterThan(15.0 kW), 3s, true) 

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