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Changing the Data Folder Location

Often, due to limited disk space or other concerns, you may want to use another location for the data folder.

Do not put the data folder on a network drive, as a network drive may have unreliable file access, insufficient atomicity guarantees, and/or poor performance.

Do not put the data folder in a folder path that contains spaces, as some Seeq components do not support this.

A Seeq CLI command can be used to shut down Seeq Server (if necessary), copy the folder to the new location (being sure to preserve access control / permissions), update the global configuration, then delete the folder in the old location. Execute the following commands using the Seeq Command Line Interface:

> cd..
> seeq install --data <new_data_folder_location>

<new_data_folder_location> should be the path to where you want Seeq's "data" folder to be. (Example: D:\ProgramData\Seeq\data is a recommended path you could use for <new_data_folder_location>.)

  1. The folder path (excluding the "data" folder) should already exist before running the move data folder command. In the above example, you should first ensure there is a "D:\ProgramData\Seeq" folder path, but do not manually make the "data" folder.  Let the Seeq CLI command do that.  This new "data" folder location should not already exist or the move will fail with an error as the process expects it will have to create the new folder for you. When running the following command via the Seeq CLI specify the complete <new_data_folder_location> including the data folder.  (Example: D:\ProgramData\Seeq\data)

  2. You will need to have enough disk space on the storage device that houses the new location, otherwise the copy operation will fail.

  3. Running the CD (change directory) command moves you out of the data directory, the default path the Seeq Command Line Interface starts in, so the removal of the old data directory is successful.

If you wish to start Seeq Server once the data folder has been moved, just execute seeq start.

If the data folder is already in the desired location, and you just need to configure Seeq Server to use the new location, execute this command instead:

seeq config set Folders/Data <new_data_folder_location>

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