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The general structure of the .addon file is broken down into

  • A Configuration File

  • A folder for each Add-on Element

  • Additional Content

The best way to become familiar with the structure of an Add-on is to look at an example.

This example Add-on is packaged as com.seeq.addon.example-1.0.0.addon and contains all four element types. When unzipped, the contents of the com.seeq.addon.example-1.0.0.addon file look like this:

├── addon.json
├── additional_content
│   └── previewImage.png
├── data-lab-functions
│   ├── API.ipynb
│   └── requirements.txt
├── frontend
│   └── com.seeq.addon.example.frontend.plugin
├── test_tool
│   ├── TestTool.ipynb
│   └── requirements.txt
└── udf
    └── formula_package.json 

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