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Publishing a PDF

Share your Organizer Topic with anyone by publishing a PDF with embedded Seeq content.

For best experience anticipating how the PDF will appear, use the fixed width display of Organizer. There is a double arrow button in the toolbar to toggle between automatic width and fixed width modes. The fixed width view will let you anticipate how the content will display on a 8.5 x 11 page.

When the Organizer Topic is completed and ready for publishing, select

from the toolbar to save and download the document as a PDF.  A pop-up will appear to further format the PDF.

Layout:  From the dropdown menu, select portrait or landscape.

Paper size:  From the dropdown menu, select paper size.

Margin:  Enter a number in the cell if a margin is desired. Default is 0. From the dropdown menu, select units to be applied to the number entered (in, cm, mm, or pixels).

Click Save and a new tab will open with the PDF. Then follow normal procedures applicable to the browser used to save the PDF to the desired location.

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