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What's New?

More User Customization

SaaS Notifications Updates

Notifications were introduced for SaaS users in the last release, and after getting feedback from users we have already made some improvements. The biggest ask was the ability to make notifications more customizable.

We have added a text editor so that users can enter information such as what actions to take upon receiving this notification. This also adds the ability to include multiple links (for example a link to a Workbench and to an Organizer Topic).

Users can also now send notifications to Seeq Groups which makes it easier to manage recipient lists as people change roles. Finally, we added Asset and Full Path as options to be included in the email for conditions that are based on an asset tree.

Notifications can still be created with one click without customizing the text if the default link to the current worksheet is all that is needed.

Dot Size in Trend

Many users have asked for the ability to configure the size of the dots in their trends. The Thickness option now applies to all signals and conditions in Trend views.


Composite Condition Tool

Users can now do more in the Composite Condition tool without needing to go to Formula.

  • Use earliest start for Join operator

  • Match property​ to only combine conditions when a certain property matches

  • Keep properties​

Deeper tables across assets

Tables across assets was introduced alongside asset groups, and the recommendation has often been to use an asset group to flatten your asset hierarchy to see the results of a table across assets. You can still use this approach, but you no longer have to in order to see results for a similar signal or condition in various levels of an asset tree.

The asset button in Table & Charts view now lets you see the items selected in the details pane for all assets under a single parent, even if they are several layers below the parent selected. Then you can sort and filter those results after they are generated (we started saving table results for short periods of time in the last version so that sorting and filtering won’t be as painful as they might have been prior).

Note that it might take a while to query data for multiple layers at once (likely more than Treemap to get the specific statistics of each item to display). If you don’t need to see all the data at once, stick with the Asset Group/single layer approach to only query the data you need or want to see, instead of making a larger query and then filtering the table.

Upgrade information: Some of your tables may be a bit bigger because of this change on upgrade. This will only happen if you have picked a parent asset that has children that are assets with leaf node items that have the same name. If this scenario applies to you, filter your table or create an asset group with the layer you prefer to work with.


New Formulas

See more details on updates to Formula at What's New in Formula.


Default Interactive Content

Interactive content is the new default when inserting into Organizer for content that can be interactive. This includes tables, most trends, and XY plots.

Data Lab

Notify using a webhook instead of email

Through Data Lab, users now have the ability to send notifications to outlets other than email (such as Teams and Slack). Collaborating on response to a notification is much easier when users are able to leave comments in a thread for example. See more information at Pushing Seeq Notifications to an outgoing webhook .

For Administrators

AVEVA Data Hub

AVEVA Data Hub is now a supported connector. Customers can connect to their AVEVA Data Hub namespaces with Seeq. See more information at AVEVA Data Hub .


Administrators can now archive data sources from the Datasource tab of the administration page. Once the connection is disabled, a Seeq administrator can archive the datasource in a one-step process.


SQL connectors can create in-progress capsules

Before R61, SQL sources configured with a CONDITION type query would only return rows that had a start time and end time. In R61, you can now configure the SQL connector with the InProgressCapsulesEnabled property so that in-progress capsules can be returned. More information can be found here


Administrators can now update Organizer Topic schedules from the Schedules tab of the administration page.


Read more in the release notes.

What's New Demo

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