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Upgrading Seeq

Upgrading Seeq is identical to installing Seeq with several considerations:

  • Review the prerequisites such as hardware, communication ports, etc. to make sure they are still met.

  • Check if your planned upgrade path is supported. The following table lists installed Seeq versions and the latest version that it can be directly upgraded to, skipping intermediate versions. Use this table to map an upgrade path from one version to another:

Installed Version

Can Upgrade Directly To

R19.0.36.XX - R20.0.38.XX


R20.0.39.02 - R0.49.XX






  • For example, if you are currently running R19.0.37.XX, looking up that version in the table above shows that you can:

    • First upgrade from R19.0.37.XX to R20.0.39.02

    • Then upgrade from R20.0.39.02 to R50.5.3

    • Then upgrade from R50.5.3 to R58.8.13

    • Then upgrade from R58.8.12 to R61.2.7

  • All asynchronous migrations must be complete before upgrading to a new major version of Seeq Server.

    • The seeq diag migration command can be run via the Seeq CLI to check the status of asynchronous migrations.

  • Perform a manual backup of the Seeq program and data files before performing an upgrade, as detailed in the Manual Backups section of Backup of the Seeq Database.

  • Your organization may have created programs or applications using the Seeq SDKs. These may need minor updates to run with the new version of Seeq. Contact Seeq support if you have questions.

  • Read the release notes (available at the end of installation or by double-clicking on C:\Program Files\Seeq Server\ReleaseNotes.html) for other upgrade considerations.

It's important to check your free disk space prior to a backup or upgrade to ensure you'll have enough room to hold the backup and/or handle the upgrade process.  For a backup you should estimate you'll need the same amount of space for the backup as your current C:\ProgramData\Seeq\data folder size.  For upgrading ensure you have at least as much free space as your current C:\ProgramData\Seeq\data takes up in case the upgrade process makes a copy in order to perform any upgrade conversions.

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