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What's New?


Condition Display Flexibility

For all of Seeq’s existence, capsules have displayed at the top of the screen. They still can, if you are used to that. But you can now move them around your display so that they appear either below or in line with signals. They can be assigned their own lane in the Customize Panel.

Easily Reorder Signals and Conditions

Users often have many signals and conditions on their screen. If they add a new signal and simply want it to be at the top instead of at the bottom it used to be a tedious process. Now, you can drag and drop items in the Details Pane to different lane placement when viewing the Order option.

Easier ways to find Worksheets and Documents

If you are a busy Seeq user you may find you have tens to hundreds of worksheets in a single workbook. That can make navigating around your workspace a bit difficult. Now you can use the sort or filter options at the top of the different worksheet tabs on the left to more quickly navigate to the worksheet you are looking for. Naming your worksheets something helpful will enable you to really take advantage of this new offering.

OData Export Gridding

OData exports have traditionally defaulted to an Automatic grid. New OData exports will default to a custom grid that will improve performance and make for a more consistent OData export. You maintain the ability to modify this selection for each export.




So far the onus has been on you to figure out how you wanted to lay out any Document you created. You can still make them however you like, but you can also take advantage of a few Templates provided to help you get started. Insert a template and then continue inserting other content to place it wherever you like within the structure of the overall template. Read more in the KB.

If you’ve already been creating Organizers and have your own ideal layout across the enterprise, then new Templates can be added through the API or custom Add-ons. These templates can include images like company logos to get a nice polish on a report or dashboard you are sharing with others.

If you do add your own, please add new ones and don’t modify the ones we provide. Changes are already coming to those in the future and we don’t want to undo your hard work!

Data Lab/SPy/API

SPy users around the world have been busy creating trees with the easier Python approach of spy.trees instead of worrying about establishing classes. Unfortunately many of those busy users were frustrated that those easy trees were stuck in a single workbook. No longer! Now you can make those SPy Trees globally scoped (apply access control to specify individual users or groups that can see these trees) so that you and others can use them regardless of the workbook in which you operate.


If you run Seeq on premise, you can run it on Red Hat Linux in R59 and later. But if you don’t want to sweat these details, use Seeq SaaS. Why Seeq SaaS is Best | Seeq

Metadata syncs are improved to identify only items changed since the last sync. This means less time spent syncing!

OData information will show up in the Server Summary to check on how OData requests are impacting current operations at any time.

A new connector is available for InfluxDB V2. Read more at InfluxDB Connector | InfluxDB v2.

Read more details in the release notes.

What's New Demo

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