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Understanding Session Timeouts

Seeq software requires that users periodically reauthenticate their account. The maximum session duration is configurable through the Admin Panel.

Default Session Duration

The system-wide default value for the maximum session duration is specified via Authentication/DefaultSessionDuration in the Admin Panel. This value specifies how long a user’s session remains valid before being required to login again, or the maximum duration of inactivity before a user must reauthenticate.

Coming soon in R61: Session Duration will specify the maximum length of time that can elapse before a user is required to reauthenticate, regardless of whether the user is actively working in Seeq..

Individual User Override

Administrators can override the maximum session duration for any individual user by setting the SessionDuration property via the POST /users/{id}/update endpoint to the desired duration (in minutes). The user can be reset to use the system configuration by setting that property to -1.

Access Keys

For session authentication of any external scripts or connections such as OData, Seeq provides Access Keys.

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