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Troubleshooting Performance


Poor performance can be the result of a myriad of disparate problems, and more than one cause can interact compounding the problem. The following diagram can be used as a high-level overview for thinking through the problem.

The diagram shows that there are many possible causes to performance, but many performance problems fall into the following three buckets:

  • Datasources that are underperforming can result in performance problems loading trend data and the content for reports. One solution is to enable caching for a datasource - each major release sees improvements to the caching infrastructure both both in terms of speed and the various types of data it caches. Improving performance for a datasource often depends on the particular historian, such as adding an index to a SQL database, but it may mean adding more compute resources to it as well.

  • The Seeq server becomes a bottleneck. Usually it is memory that is a constraining factor because the more samples that need to be processed the more that can be done if they are in memory. However, if many reports are being generated the headless browser processes that generate the Content images will use both CPU and memory.

  • As seen in the diagram server overload can often be from screenshots in topics. For a topic the number of content images in it and the amount of signals/conditions/formulas on each of those pieces of content are the key factors that make a report more resource-intensive to produce.

Administration Page

Requests Tab

The requests tab lists all API requests that are currently being processed. Sorting by Duration can be a quick way to find requests that have been running for a long time. Seeq administrators can navigate to the Administration page by using the hamburger menu icon in the top right and then clicking the Requests tab.  One or more requests can be canceled from this tab by selecting them and clicking the Cancel Selected Request(s) link.  This list of requests includes the following fields:

  • Username - The user that initiated the request.  Requests by the system user are for creating screenshots for Topics.  Requests by the api_agent_key are from one of the remote agents.

  • Method - The HTTP method of the request.

  • URI - Indicates the API endpoint that is being run. 

  • Duration - How long the request has been running, in seconds.  If a request has been running more than 5 minutes, it may warrant further investigation.

  • Threads - How many CPU threads are being used to process the request.  Higher numbers means the request is being parallelized.

  • Progress - An estimate of how much of the request has been completed.

  • (info) button - Clicking on the (info) button in the request row will show additional details, such as the name of the formula and the date range being computed.

    • The timers and meters field can be especially useful in diagnosing a long-running request. The timers shows how much time the request has spent in various buckets, such as fetching data from a datasource or the cache. The metrics shows can give some context to the timing numbers by showing how many samples have been fetched thus far. A few examples:

      • A request that has spent 60 seconds in the Datasource bucket but only fetched 200,000 samples that may indicate a poor performing datasource.

      • A request with a majority of time spent in GC (Garbage Collection) could indicate memory is a constraint.

      • A request with a large amount of time in Processing could indicate a compute-intensive formula.

Request ID Format

All requests have a unique ID associated with them that looks like this: "R^rfaHyFfbTkeDKUZl3LUnXg". In most instances, this is the entire request ID. Whenever there is a screenshot of a worksheet on a document, the request ID will be prefixed. There are two possible prefixes:

  • ScreenshotCapture^ - This indicate a request that was made to generate the information within a screenshot. A screenshot may make multiple requests and this prefix will be shared among all of those requests. An example request ID with this prefix would be ScreenshotCapture^02lk3CVbo2G2slVdXzKzcA*R^LE0gt5QKpla0cmKz6HFs0

  • ScreenshotCapture^(randomId)*Invocation^ - This indicates a request made by a screenshot which was set to auto-update. The screenshot capture section refers to the individual screenshot, and the invocation refers to an instance of that screenshot. For example, if the screenshot was set to update every 5 minutes, every 5 minutes a new set of requests would be made with the same ScreenshotCapture ID, but different Invocation IDs. An example request ID with this prefix would be ScreenshotCapture^ZTdiMDY2MDY2NWIxNDhkODdiNTFlZDdkYWJhODFmMjg=*Invocation^8ncoCowwSLyAISzFY2JQIA*R^r3ronTNkYPTVWa96rk6YOw

Jobs Tab

The jobs tab lists all screenshot jobs that are currently scheduled.  Screenshot jobs that take a long time to complete and are scheduled to run frequently can cause performance issues. Seeq administrators can navigate to the Administration page by using the hamburger menu icon in the top right and then clicking the Jobs tab. One or more jobs can be stopped from this tab and clicking the Stop Selected Job(s) link. The list of jobs includes the following fields:

  • Id - A unique identifier for the job

  • Last Duration - How long it took to complete the screenshot.  A value of NaN indicates that the first screenshot has not yet been taken.  If a large number of jobs stay in the NaN state it can indicate that the screenshot system is overwhelmed.

  • Previous Run Time - The time at which the job previously ran.

  • Next Run Time - The time the job is next scheduled to run.

  • (info) button- Clicking on the (info) button in the job's row will show additional details:

    • channelId - This is the communication channel that is listening for the screenshot results.  Clicking on the channel link and expanding the (info) button for the channel allows you to see which users have the Topic open.

    • period - This tells how frequently the screenshot will be taken. 

Reports Tab

The reports admin can help answer questions about how the load that reports add to the system. It can be used to answer such as “which reports are taking longest to finish?”, “which reports have large numbers of content images?”, and “are there reports that are running too frequently?”.

  • Report Schedules shows when a scheduled report will run and how often. It can be used to spread the running of reports throughout the day so that they don’t all run at once.

  • Total Run Time shows how long it took to generate all the content in the report. Sorting by this field can show the most resource-intensive reports.

  • Time Since Viewed shows when the report was last viewed. If a report is being generated but not used it may be a candidate for being disabled.

Subscriptions Tab

Seeq uses a communication model called pub-sub (publish and subscribe) for pushing out live updates to users that are logged into the system.  For example, if two users are working on the same worksheet all changes will be published to the inactive user via a dedicated channel. The subscriptions tab lists all the communication channels and which users are subscribed to them.  This tab can be useful for seeing things such as which users are logged into the system, which users or working on a workbook, or who is looking at a certain Live Doc.  For example:

  • broadcast channel. All users are automatically subscribed to this channel. By clicking on the (info) icon next to this channel you can see all users with logged into Seeq.

  • live-screenshot channels. Every live doc gets a unique live-screenshot channel.  As mentioned in the help for the "Jobs Tab" you can click on the channelId for a screenshot job and it will take you to this tab where you will be able to see which users are looking at the Live Doc.

Seeq Workbench

Rocket Icon

There is a "rocket" icon to the left of any signal or condition in the Details pane of Seeq Workbench. When clicked, this icon will produce the Request Details pop-up, which shows you the amount of data being read from any applicable datasources and the amount of time spent in various stages of computation:

  • Datasource - The amount of time and quantity of data being read from a connected datasource like OSIsoft PI or Honeywell PHD. This measurement can potentially be improved by more aggressive "caching." (See below.)

  • Processing - The amount of time spent in Seeq Server's calculation engine processing the data, applying any specified calculations, and downsampling for display in the browser. This measurement is typically improved by adding RAM and CPU to your Seeq Server.

  • Cache - The amount of time and quantity of data being read from Seeq's memory or disk-based "caching" mechanism. (See below.)

  • GC - The amount of time spent recovering used memory from one computation to the next. ("GC" stands for garbage collection.)

Seeq's cache is a temporary store of data (retrieved from connected datasources) on Seeq Server that is either in RAM (in-memory) or on an attached storage device (disk-based). Reading from the cache is almost always significantly faster than querying the datasource. By default, only the in-memory cache is enabled for data directly from a datasource, but overall performance can often greatly improve by enabling Seeq's disk-based caching mechanism for datasources. If you are seeing a great deal of time being spent in the "datasource" stage, you should contact Seeq Support for a consultation on whether disk-based caching is appropriate. Seeq personnel will evaluate your network configuration, data volume, storage device performance and other factors to make a recommendation.

Server Load Indicator

An indicator of server load is available to all users in the bottom right-hand corner of Seeq Workbench. 

It displays a rough percentage of total load (across all users) that the server is experiencing, where 0% is entirely unloaded and 100% is entirely busy. A load of greater than 100% is possible and perhaps normal, but it indicates the server is queuing effort and users will experience higher than normal delays depending on how they are using Seeq. 

Seeq balances work, such as fetching data, processing data, creating Seeq Content images for Topics, etc. into "pools" of worker threads.  Each pool is sized differently and is usually scaled relative to the number of CPU processors available on the server. When all worker threads for a pool are in use then any additional requests for that pool get queued, which is what can cause the server load to go above 100%. The load shown is based off the pool that is most utilized at that moment. Users can click on the Server Load icon to see which pool(s) are being utilized.  Some of the pools most likely to be highly utilized are:

  • HttpServer/LongRunning: Used for API requests that are expected to take a long time to finish, i.e. fetching data for signals or running formulas that generate signals, conditions, and scalars. If this is backed up trend data and topic content will take longer to load.

  • HttpServer/Jobs: Used to generate the Seeq Content images in Topics any time they get generated, such as when changing the Date Range of a Topic.  If this is backed up content in reports will take longer to load.

  • HttpServer/Default: Serves most HTTP requests. If this gets backed up Seeq will feel sluggish because requests that should return quickly and getting queued. While it is expected that some pools, such as Jobs and LongRunning, will fill up during times of heavy usage it is expected that this one always remains low.


Seeq collects numerous internal metrics.  These are recorded in the "<data folder>/appserver/log/monitors" folder and can be imported into a local Seeq install by copying that folder into "<data folder>/mydata/file-folders/monitors/" directory. Examples of monitors that are often useful in troubleshooting performance:

  • CPU - Compare CPU usage of the whole system, appserver, or Screenshots (used for taking Topic screenshots)

  • Memory/Permitter - This is the system that keeps track of the memory needed to request samples from datasources. See if the system is being starved for memory due to large amounts of data being requested.

  • Samples.Meter - See how many samples are being requested by Seeq from different datasources

  • RX/Messages.Timer.P98 - Examine the speed of a datasource. Often useful in conjunction with Samples.Meter, this shows the average time it takes for 98% of requests by the datasource to receive the data.

    • Some rough benchmarks to keep in mind: Seeq's datasource cache can do 30 million samples/sPI, running optimally, can do 1 million samples/s, we see decent performance at 100k samples/s.

  • LongRunning/Running.Counter and LongRunning/Queued.Counter - Can help diagnose if running formulas are backing up the system.  If the Queued counter is above zero then the system is having to place requests on hold while others finish.

  • LongRunning/Running.Timer.P98 and LongRunning/Queued.Timer.P98 - Used in conjunction with the counters, it shows the average time formulas are taking to run and how long they waiting to run.

  • Jobs.ScreenshotCapture - See how long screenshots are taking to finish, how many are being completed, and how many are Misfired.  A misfire means that the system cannot generate the screenshots fast enough and so is delaying some screenshot jobs.  If the misfire count is ever-increasing it means the system cannot keep up with the screenshots being generated by live docs.

Log Files

Log files can have a lot of noise which is why the graphical monitor data is often more useful, but they can also be useful. The following files are helpful for performance troubleshooting:

  • appserver-requests.log - Every five seconds this logs any requests that are taking longer than 5 seconds.  Additionally, it logs the full formula hierarchy for long-running requests.  This can be very useful for seeing if a formula is deeply nested, has a large max interpolation, etc.

  • jvm-link.log and net-link.log - All datasource requests will be logged in one of these.  It can show how long an individual request for samples took and how many samples were returned during that time.

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