Regex Searches
Regular Expression Search
If more complex searches are required, you can leverage the "Regular Expression" capabilities built into Seeq. To enter "regex" mode, you include the forward slash ‘/’ before and after your regex expression in the Search textbox. Note that Regex searches are case sensitive.
You can learn about and experiment with regular expressions at sites like
Regex Examples
/.*[B-D]+.*Hu.*/ in the name field
Area B_Relative Humidity, Area C_Relative Humidity, Area D_Relative Humidity
/ represents the beginning or end of a regular expression in the Seeq search bar
. means any character
* means 0 or more repetitions of the preceding character
[B-D] means any character in the set {B, C, D}
+ means exactly one instance of the preceding character or group
/.+.+1-X.*/ in the name field
returns all items whose name has a “1-X” as the third through fifth characters, because .+ means exactly one of any character, and .* allows anything after the fifth character.
On the other hand,
/.+.+1-X[HS]+.*/ in the name field
requires that the sixth character also be either H or S.
When one seeks all items whose name contains either “Temp” or “Pres”, the following regex could be used:
/.*(Temp|Pres).*/ in the name field
These examples are meant to get you started and give you a taste for what can be done with regexes. Seeq regexes are currently built to work with ElasticSearch. Here is a reference guide to using regular expressions with ElasticSearch:
A fun, interactive way to improve your regex chops can be found at: