Formula enables users to create new signals or conditions using simple math and a library of powerful functions.
Using the Formula Tool
Variables: You can modify the list of available time-series and condition variables by the following:
Name: rename your variables by clicking the edit iconor by clicking on the current variable name and editing it inline
Item: select the signal or condition you want to connect to your variable name
Add: Click the add icon to add the variable name to the Formula where your cursor is located or type the variable name directly into the Formula.
Remove: variables by clicking the appropriate
Add more variables: additional variables can be added to your formula by either clicking which will add a new variable for every signal or condition currently displayed in the trend or by clicking which will add a single new variable and prompt you to search for the item
Formula: Enter a mathematical formula to derive new signals or condition using a combination of the list of variables you defined above and formula functions. Refer to the article, Seeq Formula Overview, for information on formula syntax. Search and navigate available functions (all documented with working examples) in the formula reference docs. The formula docs are only available in the expanded view of the formula editor.
Formula Documentation: In the expanded formula panel, formulas can be searched using the search box or the entire list of formulas available can be found with the icon. Examples of the usage of the various formulas are available. Using the will copy the example formula into formula window.
Expand/Collapse Panel: Click the iconin the top right corner of the panel to expand the editor to give yourself more space or collapse the panel to see the entire trend area.
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